iWatch Africa, a non-profit organisation based in Ghana, has captivated a one-day training affairs for journalists to accouter them with the abilities all-important to action bamboozlement and misinformation in the media landscape

The training, organised in affiliation with the Impact Amplifier Foundation, took abode at the Yiri Lodge, University of Ghana, Legon, on July 31, 2024

It was captivated beneath the affair "Fortifying the Watchdogs: Tracking and Dismantling Online Aggravation of Women Journalists in Ghana." It brought calm some called reporters and media professionals from assorted media houses in Ghana

Account of training: In his acceptable remarks, a co-founder and activity beforehand of iWatch Africa, Philip K. Banini, explained the account abaft the training

He told journalists that in an era area bamboozlement and misinformation could beforehand rapidly and accept cogent consequences, it was acute to accouter journalists with the accoutrement and ability to anticipate and claiming apocryphal narratives

He said the ambition of iWatch Africa was to strengthen the role of the media as a colonnade of capitalism and accessible trust

He appear that the action was fabricated accessible because iWatch Africa accustomed a admission to empower newsrooms and journalists to action online corruption as allotment of its broader accomplishment to adverse online violence

He fatigued that with the change of the agenda landscape, the role of journalists in attention the accuracy becomes anytime added critical

Based on this, Mr. Banini acclaimed that through iWatch Africa's targeted training efforts, it would strengthen the media's accommodation to abode the common affair of disinformation, ensuring that the accessible has admission to reliable and authentic information

He appear that iWatch Africa affairs to aggrandize its training programs to ability added journalists and media organizations, abnormally women

According to him, the organisation is additionally exploring partnerships with added stakeholders to added beforehand its mission of announcement accuracy and accountability through affection journalism

Experts education: Mr. Stephen Tindi, a academician at the Department of Communication at the University of Media, Arts, and Communication-Institute of Journalism (UniMAC-IJ), who took journalists through advice disorder, emphasised the burning charge for added media and advice articulacy (MIL) apprenticeship in Ghana

He believes this will advice appearance a approaching bearing able of advancing in the agenda age while advancement the candor of advice broadcasting and consumption

He fatigued the analytic role of MIL in abstraction abreast citizens able of abyssal today's circuitous media landscape

He said a accessible accomplished in analytic cerebration and agenda articulacy is bigger able to appraise online information, anticipate accurate sources, and accomplish abreast decisions as amenable citizens and consumers

Fact-checking: Mr. Evans Aziamor-Mensah, an analytic anchorman with The Fourth Estate and Fact-Check Ghana, a activity of the Media Foundation for West Africa, delivered hands-on demonstrations of cutting-edge agenda accoutrement and strategies advised to aid journalists in acceptance information

His presentation covered a ambit of techniques, from utilising avant-garde chase algorithms to employing metadata assay for fact-checking

He emphasised the call of accumulation technology with analytic thinking

"In today's rapidly evolving media landscape, it's acute for journalists to not alone adept agenda accoutrement but additionally to advance a able-bodied analytic framework for evaluating information," he said

Online safety: Mr. Jonas Nyabor, an award-winning fact-checker with Dubawa and Ghana contributor for pan-African advertisement The Africa Report, took journalists on the agenda and online assurance of women

He emphasised the accent of compassionate the different challenges faced by women in online environments

According to him, in the agenda age, attention women's online attendance is not aloof a amount of aloofness but of animal rights

He additionally accent assorted facets of agenda safety, including strategies to action cyber harassment, administer online aloofness settings, and cross the risks associated with agenda footprints

Feedback: Participants acclaimed the affairs for its applied access and the befalling to apprentice from accomplished professionals

Individuals who took allotment in this training accommodate freelance writers, reporters, account editors, fact-checkers, and amusing media agreeable producers