The architect and baton of the Power Chapel Worldwide, Rev Victor Kusi Boateng, has appear that he has been accepting abounding threats to his life.

Speaking at the 4th Day of his Signs and Tokens Conference, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, Rev Kusi Boateng said that a being who was beatific to abuse him at his home in Accra was complex in a car blast which bankrupt one of his legs.

The pastor said that aloof as he was advancing for his advancement on Wednesday, addition alleged to abuse him.

He was absent by the actuality that bodies are not abashed of advancing him, accustomed the things God has done through him.

"A few hours afore I came to preach, an alien cardinal alleged me to abuse me; a accomplished me. Some bodies don't fear.

"Are you not afraid of me? You accept approved so abounding times. They approved to go and do article in my abode in Accra, the car comatose and the being bankrupt a leg, I told you the story. If you are not afraid of me, you go through my athenaeum and attending at the things God has acclimated me to do and say and you play," he said as he was ministering.

He added, "When I am alfresco the pulpit, I'm a altered person. But back I angle actuality and I aces up this (microphone) and I say 'Thus saith the Lord,' you bigger be careful," he said.

Watch his animadversion in the video beneath (from 1:55:00).


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