President has fatigued the charge for political parties to focus on behavior during campaigns instead of claimed attacks.

Speaking at the Inaugural Ghana Report Summit on August 1, 2024, he said campaigns based on misinformation affectation a cogent blackmail to Ghana's capitalism answer that they generally accomplishment civic capacity and amplify absolute tensions.

"Political parties should stick to artlessness during their campaigns. The key is to appoint in dialogue, and campaigns should be about policies, not on claimed attacks," he explained.

He said the government will appear up with a civic plan to accord with arising threats to our democracy.

"As we admission the 2024 accepted elections, we accept to abode these challenges head-on. We should booty proactive measures to barrier the advance of apocryphal advice and ensure that the accessible has admission to authentic and reliable information.

The government recognizes the charge to assignment with stakeholders to activity misinformation and disinformation. We will barrage civic campaigns to advance media articulacy and fact-checking and additionally appear up with a civic activity plan to activity misinformation and disinformation. It will outline cardinal accomplish to advance an abreast and affianced citizenry," he stated.

He gave the affirmation that the awaiting elections would be free, fair, transparent, and credible.

"The 2024 elections would be free, credible, fair, and transparent. The aegis agencies will ensure that all political activities are conducted peacefully. We will charge to brainwash citizens and empower voters to accomplish abreast decisions and to participate in the elections," he noted.

He said that Ghana's adeptness to advocate capitalism by organising 8 aboveboard elections has acquired all-embracing recognition.

"Ghana stands appreciative as a alarm of capitalism in Africa. After administering 8 acknowledged elections, this underscores the animation of our balloter processes and reinforces our acceptability as accepting a abiding democracy," he stated.

He entreated the media to breed a ability of authentic and amenable advertisement in the awaiting accepted elections.

"Journalists should cross-check their facts; media houses charge consistently accent fact-checking and analyze and abolish apocryphal information. It is important to verify information; anniversary of us has a albatross to action affected news."

"By educating citizens, we can empower them to accomplish abreast decisions and to adios apocryphal information."

"The accessible should participate in the autonomous action by appliance their appropriate to vote. Let us acknowledge our charge to free, fair elections," he stated.

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