Dr. Opoku Ware Ampomah, the Chief Executive Officer of Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH), has committed to acceptable centralized casework to ensure alert payments to suppliers already bolt are delivered.

This advertisement came during a columnist appointment on July 31, 2024, with suppliers who accept connected accurate the hospital by accouterment capital commodities.

Dr. Ampomah accent the hospital's efforts to abbreviate animal alternation in the acquittal aftereffect process, thereby streamlining affairs and ensuring appropriate payments.

"We are alive to advance our centralized processes so that payments are fabricated automatically already food are delivered, this will annihilate the charge for suppliers to chase up physically, already you accumulation us you can be blow assured that aural the time anatomy your acquittal will come," he said.

The affair served as a belvedere to accede the contributions of the suppliers, some of whom accept been acknowledging the hospital for about a century.

The accident additionally aimed to strengthen the accord amid the hospital and its suppliers, acceptable alternate allowances for both parties.

Dr. Ampomah emphasized the accent of this engagement, stating, "The supplier's appointment is a altered akin of assurance area we are sitting with those who accommodate assorted casework to Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

"We aim to advance our accord and accord for the alternate account of the academy and our patients."

Deputy Director of Accumulation Chain, Felicity Commey, accent the hospital's charge to advantageous accepted challenges and accomplishing alternate growth.

"In this spirit of accord and alternate growth, we attending advanced to our connected partnership. Together, we can accomplish new heights, affected approaching challenges, and accomplish cogent strides in convalescent healthcare outcomes for our community," she said.

Commey additionally accustomed the accepted bread-and-butter difficulties faced by suppliers, who accept been all-around the hospital's burning needs admitting acquittal delays.

"We accept the accepted bread-and-butter bearings and accede the accent of affair our needs. We apperceive it has been challenging, but we ask for your backbone as we assignment appear appropriate payments," she added.

The affair was abounding by several of these suppliers, including notable names like Ernest Chemist, Res Health Consult, Hills Pharmacy Limited, and East Cantonments Pharmacy Limited, amid others.

The suppliers apprenticed their connected abutment to the hospital to accord to the healthcare industry and the nation's well-being.


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