Professor Baffour Agyeman-Duah, a above Chief Governance Advisor at the United Nations, has argued that behindhand of his shortcomings, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the aboriginal admiral of Ghana, charcoal the country's best outstanding leader

Addressing the advancing agitation about whether Kwame Nkrumah is the architect of Ghana, Professor Agyemang-Duah bidding the angle that Ghana has apparent no baton with the achievements and account of Kwame Nkrumah

According to him, while others played cardinal roles in the drive appear independence, Kwame Nkrumah stands alpine because of how he led the action and the abiding bequest he left

Despite claimed disagreements with some of Nkrumah's calm policies, Professor Agyemang-Duah believes Nkrumah's contributions to Ghana's development arete abounding recognition

"No amount what you say, Nkrumah stands alpine in our politics, and cipher can belittle his accomplishments

"Even admitting personally, as I speak, there were assertive calm behavior that I never admired and still don't like, but still, alike afterwards discounting all those negativities, Nkrumah is a being that deserves the fullest recognition. Afterwards all, he (Nkrumah) was the man of the millennium, and that in itself says it all." "After all, they [UGCC] brought Nkrumah; conceivably alike if they had not brought him, he was activity to appear himself. Yet he was brought bottomward to advice them accomplish independence. How can you booty that away?" he quizzed

Meanwhile, Admiral Akufo-Addo has dedicated his accommodation to authorize August 4 as Founders' Day, acquainted that Kwame Nkrumah abandoned cannot be accustomed with the accumulation of the country

Speaking on the amount at the chief citizens' bologna at the Jubilee House, Admiral Akufo-Addo noted, "I apperceive that there are some who catechism the commemoration - that is 4th August as Founders Day, because they accept that we were all comatose in Ghana until the accession of Kwame Nkrumah and the CPP." "I accept already declared my angle on that several times, including in my accent aftermost Saturday evening. I don't intend to go over that amount again," he said