ROIS Travels Limited, a Ghanaian-based Travel and Bout Agency in Accra, has launched what it declared as the 'Know Your Country' Tourism Attack at Amedzofe in the Ho West Commune of the Volta Region.

As allotment of the attack launch, the Travel and Bout Agency organized a one-day cruise for a cardinal of tourists from Accra to the Amedzofe Township breadth the visitors had the befalling to ascend the accepted Gemi Abundance as able-bodied as acquaintance the afresh outdoored Awning Aisle and Otey Waterfalls, all amid aural Amedzofe, the accomplished animal address ascendancy in the country.

The barrage of the accident coincided with the appointment of hundreds (100s) of acceptance from the Ahamansu Senior High Academy (SHS) in the Kadjebi Commune of the Oti Region and the Pentecost University College at Sowutuom in Accra.

Mount Gemi is not alone celebrated in attributes but additionally provides a advantageous anatomy of concrete exercise for the animal body. On top of the abundance is a metal cantankerous erected by the missionaries during the 50th ceremony anniversary in the breadth in 1939 back they brought the bulletin of conservancy to the community. It was additionally a arena for adoration for the Christians and the religious at the time. The Gemi Abundance additionally serves as the point breadth the Asantes were chock-full and afterwards baffled from advancing the Ewes during their wars amid 1867 and 1872.

From the top of the mountain, one could appearance from that serene ambiance and acme not alone the Volta Lake but additionally sister communities bottomward acreage such as Kpando, Tafi Atome, Logba as able-bodied as the Agu Abundance in neighbouring Togo.

Amedzofe additionally hosts the Otey Waterfalls as able-bodied as the alone Awning Aisle currently anchored in the Volta Region and complete beyond the waterfalls. Managers of the day-tripper allure say it is incomparable to added awning walkways in added genitalia of Ghana as one adventures the 'showers of blessings' as one goes through the awning walkway.

The Assembly Member (AM) for the Amedzofe Electoral Area, Hon Robert Ameh, who accustomed the ROIS Travels Limited aggregation and added visitors to the day-tripper sites, conducted the tourists annular the Mountain, the Aisle and the Otey Waterfalls with the abutment of some of the bout guides in the area. Among the visitors and tourists who climbed the Gemi Abundance and additionally visited the Awning Aisle armpit and the Waterfalls was a three (3) year old boy, Onggy Hianata Elolo Rois, son of the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Indonesia in Ghana, H.E. Pascal A.B. Rois.

Launching the accident at the Awning Aisle and Otey Waterfalls Office grounds, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ROIS Travels Limited, Mrs. Gifty Etse Rois acclaimed that Ghana is adored with a abundant abundance of day-tripper attractions alignment from the celebrated forts and castles forth the country's bank to the abundant rainforests and wildlife sanctuaries at the hinterlands. According to her, the country has active cities abundant with activity and ability and serene villages breadth time seems to angle still. 'Unfortunately, abounding accept not had the befalling to analyze these treasures appropriate actuality in our homeland', the CEO noted.

Mrs. Rois said the 'Know Your Country' day-tripper attack aims at alteration the paradigm, answer that it seeks to absolutely affect Ghanaians, adolescent and old, to footfall out of their homes and ascertain the wonders of their own country. In her view, by acclimation such bounded tours, educational trips and ancestors excursions, ROIS Travels Limited wants to accomplish it easier and attainable for anybody to acquaintance the affluence of Ghana's cultural ancestry as able-bodied as her accustomed adorableness in diversity.

The CEO appear that ROIS Travels will action a array of bout bales tailored at altered interests and needs. Recognizing the accent of educating the adolescence about their country, ROIS Travels is additionally partnering with schools beyond the country to adapt educational tours that accompaniment their class requirements and additionally accommodate hands-on acquirements adventures to the learners.

She mentioned some of the abundant actual day-tripper attractions in the Volta Region as the Amedzofe Awning Walkway, Mount Gemi, Otey Waterfalls, Mount Afadjato, Wli Waterfalls, Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary, Tafi Abuife Kente Village, Fort Prinzeinstein at Keta, the Slave Market at Atorkor as able-bodied as the Crocodile Pond at Ave Dakpa and appear that in the advancing weeks and months, ROIS Travels Limited would accommodate the bare agent and opportunities for Ghanaians to acquaintance their home country.

The Honorary Consul of the Republic of Indonesia in Ghana, H.E. Paskal A. B. Rois, who led the aggregation of tourists and visitors to Amedzofe, acclaimed that in times accomplished decidedly during the aboriginal and backward 90s, academy excursions were some of the accepted avenues through which abounding of them visited day-tripper sites and locations not alone to access added ability in academy but additionally beforehand their amusing and affecting accord and ability through such educational tours.

Mr. Rois acclimated the befalling to renew his address to Ghanaians in accepted and the adolescence in accurate to analyze their country, answer that alive one's country does not necessarily crave huge sums of money to accomplish that.

He fatigued the charge for government through the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ghana Education Service (GES) to coact with anniversary added to agilely animate such academy excursions to accustom to the allowances of the academy accouchement and the students.

Mr. Rois acclaimed that tourism can accumulate lots of adopted barter for Ghana, answer that Bali in the Republic of Indonesia, the best visited day-tripper armpit on the globe, according to a 2022 fox account item, annually generates $10.6 billion dollars for the Indonesian abridgement through tourism. Ghana, he said can booty a cue from Indonesia in adjustment to tap into abounding of her attractions to accession the bare adopted barter for development.

The Assembly Member (AM) for Amedzofe, Hon. Robert Ameh was beholden to ROIS Travels Limited for the action and visit, abacus that in contempo times, Amedzofe is gradually acceptable the adopted day-tripper destination not alone in the Volta Region but additionally at the civic level.

According to him, the bodies of Amedzofe accept lived in the association for added than bristles hundred (500) years afterwards brief from Ahanta in the Western Region. He appear that the association has an distance of two thousand, four hundred (2,400) metres aloft sea level, abacus that Amedzofe is declared as a burghal that is amid in the clouds.

Mr. Ameh acclaimed that the above botheration militating adjoin the development of tourism in the breadth is the poor alley arrangement including that of the Amedzofe Township anchorage which additionally advance to the two (2) above day-tripper sites in the community. According to him, the alley arrangement from Vane to Amedzofe is actual bad and narrow, assuming crisis to the assurance and aegis of tourists to the community.

The AM renewed his address to the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo to honour his 1st September, 2019 affiance to the bodies of Amedzofe to fix the association boondocks roads. He lamented that back the agreement was fabricated by the President some four (4) years ago, the bodies of Amedzofe are yet to acquaintance the promise.

The Commune Chief Executive (DCE) for the area, Hon. Victor Ernest Apau declared the tourism potentials of the Ho West Commune as great, adage the Commune is liaising with a lot of investors including the locals to advance and advance added day-tripper attractions aural the district. According to the DCE, the Ho West Commune would anon become the cardinal one day-tripper allure hub in Ghana.

Some of the tourists, who batten with our newsteam, declared their acquaintance as agitative and revealing, abacus that Ghanaians accept a lot to allotment with the peoples of the diaspora.