The Centre for Public Opinion and Awareness (CenPOA) has opined that August 4, which was alien as Founders' Day by the cardinal New Patriotic Party (NPP), has concluded up creating abashing and analysis and charge be scrapped

Executive Director of CenPOA, Michael Donyina Mensah, says the anniversary advised to affiliate the country, but it has rather created analysis and adulterated our history

He asserted that Ghanaians accept not absolutely had problems with the addition of August 4 as Founders' Day because, as a people, we are still developing and chain ourselves appear civic development, so recognising our founders is not a problem

"However, if you appetite to use the Founders' Day anniversary as a agency to discredit Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and accompaniment actually that he was not the architect of Ghana, again this is dishonesty, disingenuous, and a baloney of our history. I will disagree with you on that," he said

His comments were in acknowledgment to President Akufo-Addo's comments that he rejects absolutely the ceremonies of Kwame Nkrumah as the architect of Ghana

Donyinah said cipher is against suggestions that added bodies contributed to the ability attempt and abandon fight

However, how the President fabricated his animadversion was adverse and did not represent the facts arch to our independence

"The abstraction abaft the addition of August 4 was good, but in contempo times, it seems the anniversary has absent its focus and is no best confined its purpose. So as an organisation, we are proposing for it to be scrapped. In the future, back a new administering takes over, we appetite the anniversary to be scrapped. This is because it doesn't represent any unity; rather, it is bringing analysis and disagreements amid Ghanaians. The anniversary additionally represents the disagreements and abashing that came up in the accomplished during the ability struggle

"The calendar should be about unity. But the way President Akufo-Addo is misrepresenting the facts and history is troubling. So August 4 can no best represent its purpose of chain the country. The founders are declared to appear calm in accord to body the country, but if this anniversary is alpha to represent analysis and confusion, again it is article we accept to do abroad with. We are proposing that back a new administering takes over, they should apparently acquisition a bigger another to alter this anniversary because, as it stands now, this anniversary cannot serve any advantageous purpose." He told host Kwabena Agyapong on Frontline on Rainbow Radio 87.5FM that we should additionally booty a attending at the holidays we accept in Ghana and analysis them so we could accept holidays that will ascertain us as a people

"Several of the holidays are affiliated to our colonial past. We are affective forward, and so we should accept holidays that ascertain us as a people. I acerb opined that our Ability Day anniversary should ascertain our attempt for ability and Founders Day. But to actualize assorted holidays for assorted activities arch to our ability is causeless and a waste. The holidays should be nationalistic, bless assertive important milestones, and additionally aftermost forever

"I appetite to accent that, activity into the future, the August 4 anniversary will not serve any advantageous purpose in Ghana because President Akufo-Addo has concluded up surrounding it with confusion. So we are ambrosial to the abutting administering to atom the anniversary back they booty over. We will address a new government to atom it," he said