The Eastern Regional House of Chiefs has admonished its members to use their influence to ensure their subjects conduct themselves well and refrain from any form of violence as the country heads to the December 7 general elections.

The President of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs Nene Sakite II, Konor of the Manya Krobo Traditional Council, who made this call, urged all chiefs to desist from partisan politics but support whoever comes out victorious after the December 7 elections.

Nene Sakite II while addressing members of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs at a two-day training workshop on the Constitutional and Legal Basis of Chieftaincy in Ghana and litigation at the Royal Senchi Hotel in Asuogyaman, indicated that it is important to maintain the enviable peace the country has enjoyed over the years, also called on politicians to avoid hate speeches. "Our chieftaincy institution has been bedevilled with a lot of disputes and the Eastern Region has had its fair share of all these disputes.

This has been a major challenge for all of us and it is what has occasioned this all-important workshop for Nananom.