Trafigura's Ghana Power Generation Company (GPGC) has served notice to the government of Ghana that it has commenced the process to implement the arbitration in its favour following the failure of the government to pay up its $134 million judgment debt.

In a letter to the Minister for Finance, Dr.

Mohammed Amin Adam, which has been sighted by GhanaWeb, Trafigura also indicated that in addition to the 16 banks with ties to the government of Ghana, it plans to subpoena US-based corporations affiliated with the government. "Further to our letter of September 20, 2024, to which we have not yet received a response, we can confirm that we have today filed the relevant papers to commence enforcement of the arbitral award in South Africa.

As a courtesy, we have enclosed at Annex 1 the filings with this letter as service on the government of Ghana through diplomatic channels may take some months. "In addition to the 16 banks based in the United States that GPGC has subpoenaed (as evidenced in the attached at Annex 2), we plan to issue further subpoenas to US-based corporations with ties to the Government of Ghana later this week, with further action to follow," part of the letter, which was signed by the Director of GPGC, Patrick Burke, reads.