Bawumia and the impact he has made on the nation as vice president, thereby throwing their weight behind him to be elevated as president of Ghana.

Bawumia and their confidence in him to lead the country as the next president.

But the other things I see in him, man, he spoke about humility.

I see Bawumia actually lays on the ground when he goes to chiefs and kings and all that.

And so I keep seeing we are definitely going to have a chance to have a president who is actually an economist, who understands economics and also comes from academia.

Enock Asante I was making the point about him coming from a family background where they had a lot of children and then his father being who he was at the time, making provision for all of his children.

I think growing up, he had to actually struggle.

He had to actually go through the mill, like every other person.

I mean, looking at the time that he was coming up, a lot of things that he has actually been able to achieve is because of the hard work that actually puts him on the ground.

But I mean, you see many well-trained people coming from the north, kneeling down to actually greet the chiefs.

If he's doing it now, I mean, it just goes back to the point that he actually came from a home that was actually, an institution that was actually properly managed, they were actually more cultured at home.

And so if somebody makes the point about him being humble for the camera and all of that, him going into buses, shaking people, I actually don't get that point because then you actually don't know that man.

And I feel like he coming in fresh now to actually run for President is why maybe people don't know much about his personal history.

If you want to understand how somebody has been, who he is now, understand how the person came up, the things that he actually went through, the kind of hallmarks, his background, his values as a person, some of the things that he actually embraced coming out.

He also goes to speak to the fact that people actually understand where it's coming from.

There is a likelihood that you will be in the same house, you have some disparities.

And if you are that person, I mean devoid of whatever, I mean, now comes into the political limelight and he is trying to exhibit some of these things as part of the values that he actually embraces, trying to bridge the gap, the religious gap.

And he says that, well, I can work in here, I can actually appreciate what they are doing and I can actually hold my values that it's a misstep past in my religion.

I don't see why that's supposed to be a problem.

And that's what some of us actually see and actually appreciate in a man.

But I also have to actually understand the man.

I have to understand what he embraces, the values of the man, his convictions, what he actually stands for.

I mean, those things are very, very critical in actually choosing a leader, somebody to actually do something, to actually trust in somebody, to actually make some change.

They have to actually believe in what they also believe in.

And even among his party, like people were doubting, like people were not in support of him when he was called to be the vice president of the then candidate.

Yeah, so, for me, and from that day, like right from that time, he has really impacted in terms of even like public lectures, how like vice president, because all along you see main focus has been on the president.

But once Bawumia stepped in public lectures and everything, it got to a point that he was even like visible more than even the president.

You know, he goes for me, academically, he goes straight to the point.

And then he always used this kind of, we call it like in communication, we call it logos, kind of providing figures to convince people, audience about what or to buttress what you are talking about.

And to me, like communication-wise, he has really, really been Watch the latest episode of Everyday People on GhanaWeb TV below: