The 2024 Mid-Year Account Review, presented by Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, MP, Minister for Finance, underscores Ghana's charge to acceptable its apprenticeship sector.

This charge is reflected in abundant initiatives and behavior aimed at acknowledging teachers, abecedarian teachers, and teachers' associations.

This affection commodity explores how the account analysis affects these groups, accouterment opportunities for able development, bigger alive conditions, and added educational outcomes.

Financial abutment and incentives

Increased Funding for Education

1.1. Abecedary abecedarian allowances

One of the cogent aspects of the account analysis is the connected accouterment of allowances for abecedary trainees.

1.1.1 Banking relief: From January to June 2024, the government disbursed GH¢216 actor in allowances to 67,000 abecedary trainees for the 2023/2024 bookish year. This banking abutment eases the accountability on trainees, acceptance them to focus on their studies and able development.

1.2. Capitation grants

Increased capitation grants for basal schools ensure that agents accept the assets bare to bear affection education.

1.2.1 Added resources: The capitation admission has been added from GH¢5.00 in 2016 to GH¢15.00 in 2024, ensuring that schools accept able funds for teaching abstracts and added essentials, anon benefiting agents and their students.

Professional development and training

Skills development and accommodation building

2.1. Abstruse and Abstruse Apprenticeship and Training (TVET)

Investments in TVET programs accommodate opportunities for agents to enhance their abilities and expertise.

2.1.1 Specialized training: Agents can account from specialized training in abstruse and abstruse subjects, accouterment them with the abilities to advise these courses finer and accommodated the demands of the avant-garde job market.

2.2. Connected Able Development (CPD)

The government's focus on connected able development ensures that agents break adapted with the latest educational practices and standards.

2.2.1 Able Growth: CPD programs action advancing training opportunities, acceptance agents to advance their teaching methods, break abreast about new educational technologies, and enhance their all-embracing able capabilities.

Improved alive conditions

Infrastructure Development

3.1. Academy Basement Enhancements

Significant investments in educational basement advance the alive altitude for teachers.

3.1.1 Avant-garde facilities: The architecture of new classrooms, laboratories, and libraries provides a accessory acquirements environment, authoritative it easier for agents to bear affection education.

3.1.2 Agenda classrooms: Investments in agenda basement abutment the conception of acute classrooms, able with avant-garde teaching aids and technologies that facilitate alternate and able learning.

3.2. Bloom and assurance measures

Enhanced bloom and assurance measures ensure that agents assignment in safe and defended environments.

3.2.1 Bigger academy safety: Investments in academy basement accommodate measures to advance bloom and safety, such as able sanitation accessories and defended academy buildings, ensuring a safe alive ambiance for teachers.

Support for teachers' associations

Strengthening Teachers' Associations

4.1. Collaborative programs

The account analysis encourages accord amid the government and teachers' associations to advance educational outcomes.

4.1.1 Policy input: Teachers' associations can comedy a acute role in abstraction educational behavior by accouterment acknowledgment and insights, ensuring that behavior are applied and benign for agents and acceptance alike.

4.1.2 Able advocacy: Strengthened associations can apostle for bigger alive conditions, able development opportunities, and fair advantage for teachers.

4.2. Banking and Logistical Support

The government's abutment extends to accouterment banking and logistical abetment to teachers' associations.

4.2.1 Operational support: Banking grants and logistical abutment advice associations adapt training sessions, workshops, and seminars, announcement connected able development and ability administration amid teachers.


The 2024 Mid-Year Account Analysis offers a absolute framework for acknowledging Ghanaian teachers, abecedarian teachers, and teachers' associations.

By absorption on banking support, able development, bigger alive conditions, and collaborative initiatives, the account analysis aims to actualize an enabling ambiance for educators to thrive.

Teachers and their associations can advantage these initiatives to enhance their skills, advance alive conditions, and accord to the all-embracing affection of apprenticeship in Ghana.

As the country continues its adventure against educational arete and development, the proactive assurance of agents and their associations will be acute in accomplishing these goals and ensuring a brighter approaching for all.