AdvertisementIt was all joy back the above president, John Mahama cut sod for the architecture of association day chief aerial schools amid 2014 and 2016 to aggrandize admission to apprenticeship in beggared communities

But about a decade on, some of the almsman communities are yet to adore the account of the academy activity due to non-completion of the facilities

TV3's Ibrahim Abubakar letters in the Ashanti region, at atomic bristles E-blocks are yet to be completed and put to use

Concept of E-blocks In 2014, the Mahama administering active a arrangement which approved to accompany chief aerial apprenticeship to the doorstep of some beggared communities beneath the Association Day Academy Project

200 of such schools, referred to as E-blocks, were planned to be constructed

But years later, that initiative, calm with the hopes of some of the almsman communities to see bigger canicule in education, has been adjourned because there was a change in government in 2016

Whilst some of the academy activity were completed and put to use, abounding others accept been larboard in the bush

Fumso Association Day SHS Not continued ago, assignment resumed on the E-block activity at Fumso in the Adansi-Asokwa commune afterwards it apoplectic in 2017

For abounding parents, the academy activity holds anticipation of a bigger approaching for their accouchement back completed

Although the activity has suffered disproportionate delays, association are anxiously cat-and-mouse for the operationalization of the Fumso association day chief aerial school

"Former admiral Mahama promised to accord us a day chief high. He started the activity but couldn't complete afore abrogation office. Back then, the activity has been abandoned. Government should try and complete for the Fumso association to develop", a anxious resident, Kwame Kwakye appealed

A parent, Amponsah Boahen added that "the citizenry in this breadth is huge and back this academy begins to function, the association will develop. It will additionally appear as a abatement to us as parents back our accouchement will not go far to added their chief aerial education. This agency busline amount will be cut"

  Kwabenakwa Association Day SHS The adventure is the aforementioned at Kwabenakwa in the Obuasi East district

The activity has been larboard fractional for about eight years

Isaac Owusu was one of the acceptance acquisitive to accept to abstain accessory chief aerial academy far abroad from home

"I anticipation we will be the aboriginal accumulation to enrol in the E-block but abominably it wasn't completed back we were about entering chief high. If this architecture was accessible at the time, I wouldn't accept gone all the way to Bekwai for chief aerial education", he said

Some anxious association alleged for the actual achievement of the project

"I get sad anytime I canyon by this building. How can we aloof acquiesce tax payers money to go decay like this? Government should so aggregate accessible to complete this project", Emmanuel Owusu noted

For Esi Benewaa, it is aching watching the architecture to rot abroad while the absolute Obuasi East commune has alone one accessible chief aerial school" At Ejura, the E-block activity which started in 2016 has been larboard at the foundation level

The Adobewura association academy activity has about been in use back 2016

But there are fears of a accessible shut bottomward of the ability afterward connected abatement in enrolment

School authorities' lament, the absence of a auberge ability and adaptation for teaching agents accompanying with the poor alley arrangement is black for acceptance and teachers

"500 of us were acquaint to this academy but alone 97 reported. Abounding others who did not acknowledgment complained about the breadth and abridgement of accommodation", chief boys prefect of the school, Douglas Doku Marfo hinted

Most of the ceilings in the classrooms are falling off; assuming a blackmail to the lives of acceptance and teachers

School authorities are assertive that, abacus a boarding ability and accouterment adaptation for agents will advice admission enrolment and save the academy from collapsing

Beneficiary communities are acquisitive to see the able operationalization of these projects as it will not alone aggrandize admission to affection apprenticeship but accessible up the area