Peter Boamah Otokunor AdvertisementDr. Peter Boamah Otokunor, an agronomical economist and a affiliate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Manifesto Committee, bidding apropos over the inefficiencies and rent-seeking behavior afflictive Ghana's agronomical sector

In a contempo account on the affair "The Agric Manifesto", Dr. Otokunor accent the adverse abnormality area acreage inputs, advised to addition agronomical productivity, are actuality manipulated by hire seekers. According to him, "Farm inputs accept been taken over by hire seekers who are politicians. These individuals are neither agriculturists nor farmers. They accept aggregate these inputs and, back they are about to expire, they absolution them to the bazaar for bodies to buy," he stated

He fatigued that this convenance is adverse to the sector, as it deprives farmers of appropriate admission to capital inputs and compromises the affection and capability of these assets back they are fabricated available

Dr. Otokunor proposes to abode these challenges in the agronomical sector

"As the country, these are systemic issues that charge to be addressed to alleviate the abounding abeyant of Ghana's agronomical area and the affair of rent-seeking and action ability has become a botheration and it is one affair that as a political affair we are acquisitive to cure," he stated