"Godfred Dame is activity to angle balloon for causing banking accident if he doesn't aggregate the money from Big Sea to pay off. We will accomplish a case; he will face bent prosecution. He should bigger get to Big Sea and try to booty the money back," Kpebu cautioned

Big Sea Trading LLC, the aggregation from which the government purchased the ambulances, offered to acquittance €2 actor to the state, citation apropos that the balloon could accident its reputation. Richard Jakpa, the third accused in the case, was reportedly acting as an abettor for Big Sea. However, the Appointment of the Attorney-General alone this action as it did not awning the abounding bulk the accompaniment absent from the acquirement of the 30 abnormal ambulances

Kpebu added bidding his disappointment with the High Court's accommodation to abide the balloon of Ato Forson and Richard Jakpa in the ambulance case, admitting affirmation suggesting that the Attorney-General had been in advice with Jakpa. He criticised the balloon judge, Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe, for not awkward the proceedings

"It is a acceptable accommodation because the balloon adjudicator had disappointed; the band was abundant to stop the trial," he remarked. He additionally commended the Cloister of Appeal's ruling, stating, "The Cloister of Address accommodation is the arch one; it adored us from embarrassment." Ato forson and Godfred Dame Pulse Ghana On Tuesday, 30 July, the High Cloister was appointed to convene. However, on the aforementioned day, the Cloister of Address upheld an address by Minority Leader and above Deputy Finance Minister Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson apropos a accommodation fabricated by the Banking and Economic Court

In March 2023, the High Cloister had ordered Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson to present his defence afterwards the Attorney-General's appointment accustomed a prima facie case adjoin him in the €2.37 actor ambulance case. Sylvester Anemana, a above Chief Director at the Ministry of Health, and Richard Jakpa, a businessman, who were additionally on balloon with Dr. Forson, were analogously directed to accessible their defence

Dr. Forson and the two others face accuse of wilfully causing banking accident to the accompaniment amounting to €2.37 actor in the acquirement of ambulances that could not be acclimated for their advised purpose

Afterwards the case bankrupt its case, Dr. Forson's attorneys filed a acquiescence of no case. However, on 30 March 2023, authoritative Adjudicator Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe disqualified that the accused should advance to accessible their defence

On 30 July, the Cloister of Address absitively to annul the High Court's ruling, advertence that the case had not provided acceptable evidence. The cloister begin that the balloon adjudicator had erred in acute Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson to accessible his defence, as there were no solid facts or access amid the affirmation presented and the accuse adjoin the accused. The Cloister of Address additionally acquitted and absolved the accused, acquainted that any banking accident should be attributed to the Ministry of Health's corruption rather than the accomplishments of the accused. The cloister assured that the appellants had auspiciously argued for their absolution and discharge