AdvertisementAn accessible of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) James Agbey has told the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Bernard Antwi Boasiako (Chairman Wontumi)and the active acquaintance Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh (NAPO) not to advance any move to rig the elections in the region

He says there would be acute after-effects if Wontumi, NAPO accomplish any amiss move advanced of the 2024 accepted elections

"As a bonafide aborigine and accessible of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), I'm application this account to absorption these political bandits to watch their ways

"Let this be the moment area the administration of this country listens and acts with integrity

"I advise them to heed the choir of the bodies of Ghana who are calling for change, and appear bottomward from their aerial horses and acquire the actuality that the NPP has appear to the end of the road. It is time for them to authenticate a aboveboard charge to aphorism of law," he said ion a account reacting to beforehand animadversion by Chairman Wontumi that the NPP has several means to win the 2024 elections

Below is his abounding statement…   For Immediate Release Saturday, 3rd August, 2024 NDC Accessible warns Wontumi and Napo not to accomplish any amiss move in Ashanti Region Once again, we are saddled with the aberration of the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NPP, Bernard Antwi Bosiako, bargain accepted as Wontumi

He is in the account acceleration bottomward on his rather capricious affirmation that the NPP acquire one actor means of acceptable the 2024 elections, and that they will win by angle or crook

Wontumi affirmation to acquire accustomed acute advice from a alternate acquaintance of Lordina Mahama, wife of above President John Mahama, and for that reason, he is bound with his arguable artifice to account abashing in the Ashanti Arena in the run up to 2024 accepted elections

More to the point, I acquire it on acceptable ascendancy that vigilante elements, the abominable "invincible forces" are actuality accomplished in address to destabilize the processes arch up to the elections

We are actuality told the NPP active mate, Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh (Napo) and Wontumi are agreeable in this artful move to alarm NDC supporters in the Ashanti Region

In abounding ways, this acutely is added acceptable able affirmation that the NPP abide to addled the amnion or to put it added audibly avert absorption from their failures and misdemeanours in government

In fact, I acquire gotten so abundant advice apropos Wontumi and Napo's plan for the Ashanti Arena in the accessible accepted election

These agglomeration of cowards are angled on demography this country aback to the aphotic days

I anamnesis how the NPP in contempo times was accused of ancestry and arming thugs as able-bodied as affected aegis agents to annoy and advance Ghanaians

Even in our contempo accomplished actuality in Ghana, we acquire apparent how abandon about swallowed us in Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election, and the animal bearings in 2020 accepted elections area about eight bodies were attempt and dead at the Techiman South acclamation after-effects accumulating centre during the 2020 elections

I've been in and out of the Ashanti Arena dozens of times, and carefully ecology every moves of Wontumi and Napo

Truth is, there would be acute after-effects if Wontumi, Napo and their brand accomplish any amiss move advanced of the 2024 accepted elections

As a fonafide aborigine and accessible of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), I'm application this account to absorption these political bandits to watch their ways

Let this be the moment area administration of this country listens and acts with integrity

I advise them to heed the choir of the bodies of Ghana who are calling for change, and appear bottomward from their aerial horses and acquire the actuality that the NPP has appear to the end of the road. It is time for them to authenticate a aboveboard charge to aphorism of law

The nation cannot allow to the acknowledgment to the aphotic canicule due to the carelessness of the brand of Wontumi and Mathew Opoku-Prempeh. It would be in their absorption to arrest their confusing means and truancy in the Ashanti Arena or face the acrimony of the Ghanaian people

The banditry of Wontumi and Napo in the Ashanti Arena shall not be countenanced activity into 2024

Signed: James Agbey (NDC OPERATIVE)