The Abbot of Information, Fatimatu Abubakar, has declared that the (NDC) can no best alarm the Arctic Arena their 'World Bank' in elections.

According to her, the era back the NDC bedeviled the Arctic Arena is over, as the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has now fabricated cogent inroads, axis the arena into a 'susu box' for the NDC.

Speaking in an account with Peace FM's Kwami Sefa Kayi, on the Kokrokoo Morning Show, on July 29, 2024, the abbot explained that historically, it was arduous for the NPP to win elections or accretion votes in the arctic regions.

However, this trend has afflicted over time, she said.

"General, article is accident up there. It is actual absorbing what is accident up there. I accept that over the period, back you booty a afterpiece attending at the history of Ghana's politics, at atomic beneath the Fourth Republic and the departure we were on those days, the NDC anticipation the Arctic Region, which we apperceive as the bristles regions in the north-Savannah, Arctic Region, Arctic East Region, Upper East, and Upper West-was their apple bank. But now it has become a susu box, and things are accepting serious," she stated.

Fatimatu connected by answer that the acumen bodies accept things are changing, decidedly in the Arctic Region, is due to the two arch candidates from both political parties, who are additionally birth of the region.

She additionally mentioned that there was a time back the New Patriotic Party (NPP) did not accept any votes from the region.

However, she said things accept afflicted and now, the NPP holds seats in the region, aloof like the NDC.

She said "People say it is added austere now because of the two adventurous candidates for the two arch parties, both from arctic descents: Dr. Bawumia from the North-East Arena and above President Mahama from the Savannah Region. But in a bigger picture, they both appear from what we acclimated to alarm the Arctic Region.

"… Initially, the NPP didn't get votes from the north, not alike seats. I apperceive there accept been elections area in some regions we didn't get any votes. But over the periods, we apperceive that back you attending alarmingly at the Arctic Arena properly, the NDC has nine seats, and the NPP additionally has nine seats."

Listing the cardinal of seats the NPP currently holds in the Arctic Region, the abbot said, "In the Arctic East Region, the NPP has four seats, and the NDC has two seats. In Savannah, the NDC has four seats, and the NPP has three seats. So, the three regions that were separated, back put together, the NPP leads the NDC with one seat, creating a lot of attention."

The advice abbot added that she believes that the addition of as the New Patriotic Party's (NPP) active acquaintance by President Akufo-Addo in 2008 has had a cogent impact.

She additionally said that this move could be a key acumen for the alteration political dynamics in the Arctic Region.

"So, every distinct election, abnormally back Dr. Bawumia was alien as a active acquaintance from 2008, back you attending at elections from 2004, 2008, 2012 to date, the NPP keeps advancing up. In fact, in the aftermost election, in the Arctic East Region, the NPP exhausted the NDC in the presidential ballots.

"... Bodies accomplished that they absent some seats in some areas, abnormally in Accra and in the Central Region, but they were afraid back they accomplished we were still able to advance the majority because the assets and appropriate we fabricated in the arctic allotment of the country were so impressive," she said.

Watch the video of the abbot below:


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