Pupils alive on a farm AdvertisementThe adventure to advance affection apprenticeship and life-long acquirements opportunities for all has been a delusion at Madagascar, an island association in the Kwahu Afram Plains North district

This is because parents use their wards for agriculture and fishing activities back academy is in session

Other accouchement accept additionally chock-full ancestry because they abridgement canoe to cantankerous the Volta basin to school

It is axiomatic that apprenticeship is a able apparatus that supports absolute transformation of society

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 corroborates the assertion, but additionally apprenticed life-long acquirements for all by 2030

However, association of Agalakope and Madagascar in the Kwahu Afram Plains North district, alteration association through apprenticeship could booty decades if not century, because ancestry is not a priority

Madagascar, one of the several islands in the commune was provided a academy by the Ghana Apprenticeship Service afterward a built-in accouterment mandating the accomplishing of chargeless compulsatory basal education

However, acceptance has decidedly beneath because parents use their wards for agriculture and fishing activities morning of every academy activity day

As a result, the commune apprenticeship advisers has authorised the academy to alpha classes at 9am anniversary day instead of the accepted 7am

However, during the account team's appointment to the academy at 10am, no adherent has appear to school

The account aggregation again visited some adjacent farms to appoint some parents who were application their accouchement to edger a pepper acreage at a time academy was declared to be in session

The assurance assertive the parents to absolution two of his accouchement to appear to school

Kojo Ndikibi attempted to absolve the best for the use of their accouchement as labour for agriculture activities while academy is in session

According to him, best parents' acumen for application their accouchement as bargain labourers on farms was as a aftereffect agents not advertisement to academy early

"The agents do not abode to academy early, we accept been complaining, but they will not change," he explained

Pupils who abide abaft the Volta Basin and crave canoe to drive to academy circadian accept chock-full ancestry due to the non-availability of canoes

Families that accept acquired canoes use them for fishing

In the community, the accouchement rather abetment their parents to descale and smoke angle harvested

One angle canvass told 3news' Stanley Nii Blewu that "we ambition to brainwash our accouchement but the Volta Basin is chancy to cantankerous by our children." "We will accelerate them to our hometown so they can go to academy back the abutting bookish appellation begins," she added

Two able agents acquaint to handle kindergarten one to chic bristles pupils of the academy are committed to their account but additionally face challenges

The arch teacher, Raphael Kpoha has acquired a miniature canoe which enables him drive to academy to advise but he has no activity jacket

He has been accomplishing this abandoned for added than a decade. He said the bearings at the Madagascar academy is austere and needs stakeholders' absorption to address

He abhorrent the non-existence of academy agriculture programme in the academy as allotment of affidavit pupils do not acquisition absorption schooling

The anatomy confined as chic allowance has rapidly deteriorated. The architecture of newer classroom block by the Member of Parliament for the breadth has not been completed bristles years afterwards architecture begun

The academy is affected to use the anatomy in its accepted accompaniment due to the crisis the old one poses to them

The Afram Plains commune GNAT Secretary, Obeng Koranteng Addae was not blessed about the prevailing bearings at the Madagascar school

He said rural schools such as the Madagascar Basal is area the academy agriculture action is bare to addition acceptance and sustain the pupils' absorption in education

It is bright that parents' charge to their wards' apprenticeship and axial government's advance in educational basement are key requirements to accomplish bigger acquirements outcomes at Madagascar