AdvertisementActress Priscilla Opoku Agyeman, broadly recognised by her date name Ahuofe Patricia from the 'Boys Kasa' alternation has aggregate her adolescence ambition

In an account with Felicia Osei, host of Adwuma Adwuma on Onua FM,  Ahuofe Patri appear that while growing, her appetite was to be a advocate by profession rather than actuality an actress

However, award herself in the cine industry, Ahuofe Patri said she looked up to so abounding bodies in the industry and capital to become like them

Citing examples, she mentioned Yvonne Okoro and Salma Mumin as some bodies who aggressive her to become the being she is today which she has no abjure although she did not end up as a lawyer

She additionally acclaimed how she has learnt so abounding things from acting and the acceptability that comes with it

"If I do acquisition myself on set with you, I'm addition who is actual advertent and I apprentice actual quick. So far I accept learnt a lot on the assembly " she said