Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa (left) and Admiral Akufo-Addo AdvertisementNorth Tongu Affiliate of Parliament has said he is aghast in Admiral Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for not acting adjoin the accompaniment abduction of acreage of some of his appointees

Mr Ablakwa says that per the laws of the lands, the Admiral is captivation the acreage in the assurance of the bodies and, therefore, he will accept to, at all times assure the acreage on account of the people

"I am absolutely aghast in the admiral because he should be accounting for the lands, he is aloof captivation in the assurance of the people

"President Akufo-Addo, why do you sit aback while we lose all the lands, unless you are complicit," he said on the Key Points on TV3 on Saturday, August 3

Okudzeto Ablakwa added accused the Acreage Commission of actuality complicit in the auction of accompaniment lands

He said there are alienated elements in the Acreage Commission who are giving affirmation adjoin the accompaniment in a case amid the Ghana Prison Account and a clandestine developer over the Borstal homelands

Instead of adjustment with the Ghana Prison service, they accept gone to cloister to abutment the clandestine person, "Clearly the Acreage Commission is complicit," he said on the Key Points on TV3 Saturday, August 3

His comments appear admitting the Ministry of Acreage and Natural Resources agitation his affirmation that the accepted government is affairs accompaniment acreage to its cronies

The Ministry declared that these allegations are absolutely apocryphal and should be absolved by the public

Mr. Ablakwa has afresh been articulate about the auction of accompaniment lands, including backdrop acceptance to the Parks and Gardens, the Ghana Prisons Service, and others

He additionally claimed that acreage currently apartment lath accept been sold, banishment the lath to abandon their bounds aural a defined period

In a columnist account issued on Tuesday, July 16, and active the area Minister, Samuel Abu Jinapor, the Ministry asserted that the Akufo-Addo-led government has not awash any accompaniment lands

The account added antiseptic that any government acreage currently beneath accessible analysis were awash during the antecedent administering of John Mahama, of which Mr. Ablakwa was a member

The Ministry apprenticed Ghanaians to apathy Mr. Ablakwa's allegations, anecdotic them as politically motivated

"For the abstention agnosticism the acreage active by the Du Bois Centre, the subject-matter of the Affiliate of Parliament's allegations, has neither been awash nor busy to any clandestine entity." "From the foregoing, it is bright that the lands, the accountable amount of the Affiliate of Parliament's allegations, were not awash and/or busy beneath the accepted administration, and the allegations of accompaniment abduction are, therefore, false," an extract of the account said

The account added that Admiral Akufo-Addo is committed to able and able acreage administration, anchored on the accomplished standards of integrity

"President Akufo-Addo is committed to an able and able acreage administering that is anchored on the accomplished standards of integrity, accuracy and candour, in the accessible interest. " "The Ministry will, therefore, abide to assignment with all stakeholders to bear an effective, transparent, acknowledging and alike acreage administering which is aloft lath and steeped in integrity," the account concluded