, the Affiliate of Parliament for North Tongu, was larboard affronted by the diction of the acknowledgment by the Service Ghana Auto Group Limited (SGAGL) to the account of allegations he has levelled adjoin them, apropos their roles in the acquirement and aliment of ambulances by the asleep Ministry of Special Initiatives beneath the government

On the Friday, August 2, 2024, copy of Metro TV's Good Morning Ghana program, Okudzeto Ablakwa hit aback at the aggregation over what he considers to be a blackmail to him, the media, and Parliament

He questioned the assurance of the aggregation to affair what he considers to be a strongly-worded letter and promised to abide adventure his babysitter duties as a affiliate of Parliament

"I appetite to activate by accusatory this account from Service Ghana Group Auto Limited. Those who run this aggregation should be told in actual bright agreement that they cannot alarm anybody in this country

They are not accustomed to use such words on the media and associates of Parliament accustomed out their built-in authorization and on the Ghanaian people. We are talking about $108 actor cumulatively. You accept appear into the accessible amplitude application our taxes, and as citizens, we are adopting axiological issues, and how cartel you affair such a threat. All of that is absolute aureate and hogwash. How cartel you affair such a threat? "They anticipate they can alarm appropriately adopted associates of Parliament? They anticipate we were voted into Parliament to alcohol tea and cantankerous our legs and watch as bodies butt the republic? They should not abrade us at all. I am absolutely affronted by this statement," he said

After in the day, Okudzeto Ablakwa issued a new set of abstracts in acknowledgment to the claims fabricated by the aggregation in acknowledgment to his revelations

"Service Ghana Auto Group Limited's account advisedly bootless to acknowledge to the politically apparent cachet of a key director, Stephen Okoro, who is not alone a abutting business accomplice of the President's daughters, Gyankroma Akufo-Addo and Edwina Akufo-Addo, as absolutely accustomed with official assimilation abstracts of SFO Initiatives Limited, Goodbox Limited, and Good Grow Limited

"SGAGL was additionally disingenuously bashful on Stephen Okoro's familial ties with the presidential family, accepting fathered a grandchild of the President with the President's daughter. Politically apparent bodies consistently appear beneath greater analysis in the action adjoin bribery as they can disproportionately access accretion processes, bribery due process, and arrange amoral acquittal agreement in their favor, as we accept apparent in this transaction," he wrote

The North Tongu administrator additionally acicular out that Service Ghana Auto's affirmation that it submitted a bid for the arrangement in 2018 cannot be accurate because it was registered in 2020

"From the account of Service Ghana Auto Group Limited, it purportedly alternate in a aggressive accretion action by the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives from 15th November 2018 as a bunch of 7 companies. Instructively, this bunch could not accept existed in 2018 and 2019 as absolute annal at the Registrar of Companies acknowledge that Service Ghana Auto Group Limited was congenital abundant later, accurately on April 24, 2020." He additionally said that the company's account that it was allotment of a bunch of seven companies awarded the arrangement cannot be accurate because best of the companies were accustomed in 2017 and had no acquaintance in accretion and application ambulances

"Claims by SGAGL that it's a bunch which leveraged the ability and assets of its companies in the accretion of ambulances is best amusing and ridiculous. Assimilation annal appearance that at atomic 5 of the 7 companies were agilely congenital amid April and September 2017. None of the companies had any ability or clue almanac in accretion and application ambulances

"The affirmation speaks for itself: BEFT Engineering was congenital on April 20, 2017 primarily to backpack out construction, renovation, civilian engineering works, and electrical engineering works; Elok Consult was congenital on July 25, 2017 to backpack out administration consultancy, civilian works, roads, and architecture construction; Prestige Era Aggregation Limited was congenital on April 19, 2017 with its altar actuality to backpack out accepted supply, alley and architecture construction, oil and gas articles dealer, transport, and haulage

"None of these companies had ability in ambulance accretion and after-sales maintenance. This charge explain why the Auditor-General apparent SGAGL for application agents of the National Ambulance Service for their aliment contract." Background Ablakwa appear an exposé in which he supplied affirmation of acquittal in balance of some $34.9 actor accustomed by above Abbot for Finance Ken Ofori-Atta for the acquirement and applicable of additional genitalia on some 307 government ambulances

In his advertisement of July 21, 2024, he aloft issues apropos declared banking bribery and bribery in the acquittal involving a clandestine company, Service Ghana Auto Group Limited

According to the MP, the abbot accustomed an bulk of US$34,904,505.00 to be paid to Service Ghana Auto Group Limited for the accretion of additional genitalia for some 307 ambulances purchased by the government in 2019

According to the MP, the declared bulk translates to $113,695.456 per ambulance, which is added than the amount of abounding absolutely able new ambulances, adopting questions about the account abaft such expenditure

In the affirmation supplied by the MP, the abbot accustomed the acquittal aloof bristles canicule afore he was removed from appointment by President in a chiffonier reshuffle appear on February 14, 2024

Ablakwa alluded to discrimination and abridgement of due activity in the action that led to application the arrangement to Service Auto Group Limited, citation the absence of a aggressive accretion process

Service Auto Group refuted claims by the North Tongu administrator that there was some abomination in the acquittal of some $34.9 actor accustomed to it by the government for the acquirement and applicable of additional genitalia on some 307 government ambulances

The aggregation refuted the assertions by the MP that it was offered the arrangement by after aggressive abandonment - on a sole sourcing basis

It explained that it was allotment of 16 companies who bid for the arrangement and allotment of a bunch of 7 companies that were called because they provided appropriate casework at a almost low price

The aggregation additionally alone a affirmation by the MP that the acquittal of $34.9 actor for the accretion of additional genitalia for the ambulances, which translates to about $113,000 per ambulance, was decidedly college than the amount of accepting new ambulances

It added that the accusation by Ablakwa that it accustomed $10 actor afore the acquittal of the $34.9 actor has been alone by the Bank of Ghana

Read Ablakwa's column additional the account by Service Auto Group below: