The Accra Circuit Cloister Nine has adjourned the ancient of a set of twins into badge aegis over an declared GH¢62,165.00 fraud. Atsu Adadevoh denied artifice a adult soldier with his adolescent brother, Etse Adadevoh. He will be brought aback to the cloister on August 13, 2024.

Meanwhile, the cloister presided over by Samuel Bright Acquah, additionally issued a bank accreditation for the arrest of Etse Adadevoh for declining to appear court.

Superintendent of Badge Augustine A. Yirenkyi, prosecuting, said Madam Peace Attitsogbui, the complainant, was a aggressive administrator stationed at Burma Camp, Accra.

Atsu Adadevoh, one of the accused persons, claiming to be a businessman, lives at Teshie. In 2022, the complainant got into acquaintance with Atsu and his brother, Etse, who is now at large. The case said Atsu and Etse, both 39, told Madam Attitsogbui that if she beggared with GH¢62,165.00, they would be able to hire a abundance for her for one year.

Convinced by their promise, the complainant paid the said bulk to them. Superintendent Yirenkyi said afterwards accepting the money, Atsu and Etse bootless to account their affiance and started arena adumbrate and seek with the complainant. Alarmed, the soldier appear the bulk to the badge for analysis on July 31, 2024.

Superintendent Yirenkyi said on Thursday, August 1, 2024, Atsu was arrested and, back cautioned, accepted the offense. He declared that he and his accompanying brother calm beneath than GH¢62,165.00 from the complainant but could not specify the exact amount.

Investigations appear that it had been the conduct of the twins to bamboozle innocent people. Superintendent Yirenkyi said the case was still beneath investigation.