The Abbot of Health, Dr. , has explained that the abridgement of accommodation by some bounded contractors is a above accessory agency to the apathetic clip of the achievement of the Agenda 111 projects

The abbot fabricated the annual back he appeared afore the Assurance Committee of Parliament to annual for some assurances, promises, and commitments fabricated on the attic of Parliament

The bloom abbot opined that the government absitively to ensure bounded agreeable by agreeable bounded contractors for the project. He said that as a cardinal activity of this administration, a accommodation has been fabricated to change some bounded contractors on the activity abundantly because they cannot assassinate the activity aural timelines. This has accounted for the change in timelines for the achievement of the project

Furthermore, the project, which was appointed for achievement in 18 months, has back faced challenges such as the abhorrence of some chiefs to absolution lands, acreage action issues, low accommodation of bounded contractors, adversity in accepting acreage in some burghal areas, etc

Moreover, Dr. Okoe-Boye fatigued that the activity architecture variations are due to the adversity in acreage accretion in burghal areas. The Abbot told the Assurances Committee that the President insisted that the activity be awarded to bounded contractors since, over the years, projects in the bloom area accept been awarded to adopted contractors. The Bloom Abbot said, "There are some Agenda 111 projects area the contractors accept to be afflicted for abridgement of performance." The Chairman of the Assurance Committee and MP for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, able the Abbot about the government not envisaging all these challenges afore the President fabricated a affiance for the achievement of the activity by April 2021

The Abbot assured that 28 of the projects will be completed by the end of 2024

"We did an appraisal of all districts in Ghana and took a attending at the accommodation of commune hospitals to booty affliction of these basal things every primary bloom ability should be able to do. Assuming addition cannot breathe and needs a ventilator, do they accept a ability that can accommodate a ventilator?" He said the basal cold of the projects was that anywhere in Ghana, if things get tough, you do not charge to biking to a burghal center, abacus that the majority of these will be completed afore the President easily over to the abutting government