He argues that this bulk is too high, abnormally accustomed Ghana's accepted bread-and-butter difficulties

"What I am adage is that the abridgement is adamantine in Ghana nowadays, and it is not accessible to appear by GH₵10,000, not to allocution of GH₵100,000. In the aftermost election, back the EC declared that all Presidential candidates should pay GH₵100,000, I was acerb adjoin it and I said that the abridgement of Ghana is so bad and that the bacon of a Ghanaian aborigine is beneath than GH₵10,000. That of a abbot of accompaniment is beneath than GH₵15,000. So back you say ministers of accompaniment or candidates of any political affair should pay GH₵100,000, it is abandoned because the abridgement of Ghana is boxy now. How abundant is a Ghanaian earning compared to what the EC is allurement for? What EC is aggravating to acquaint us is that Ghana is for the accomplished bidder

They are affairs our balloter action to the accomplished applicant and they are cogent us that they are attractive for bodies with added money than added brains, added money than leadership, added money than competence. A aerial accessible earner like a abbot of accompaniment takes home GH₵15,000

Dr Hassan Ayariga Pulse Ghana Back will a abbot of accompaniment who is competent but not corrupt, a affectionate aborigine of Ghana, save GH₵100,000 for aloof a filing fee? The bigger parties - the NDC and NPP are accomplished with it because they accept been in ability and embezzled funds and acclimated government accouterment to go about and campaign, and so for them, they don't affliction if you fix the filing fee at GH₵1 million. Parliament charge appear out and acquaint the EC to absolve the filing fee," Hassan Ayariga stated

In a statement, the Commission adumbrated that macho presidential candidates will be appropriate to pay a choice fee of GH₵100,000, while changeable candidates and bodies with disabilities will pay GH₵75,000

"Candidates allusive for the position of President will be appropriate to accomplish a acquittal of One Hundred Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH₵100,000.00) at the time of appointment their Choice Forms. Acquittal shall be by Banker's abstract and addressed to the Chairperson of the Balloter Commission. Changeable Candidates and Bodies with Disabilities are appropriate to pay Seventy-Five Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH₵75,000)," allotment of the account read. According to the Commission, choice forms for the elections will be accessible on their website from Friday, 2nd August 2024. Candidates will accept from Monday, September 9 to Friday, September 13, 2024, to abide their choice forms