Majority Leader, Alexander Kwamina Afenyo-Markin, has bidding able altercation with Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin's accommodation to curb Parliament sine die.

According to him, the leaders will anon accommodated the conclave to get the all-important accord of the associates to annex their signatures to anamnesis the Abode per the law.

Speaking afterwards the break of the House, Afenyo-Markin said, "I do not anticipate that the break and the reopening of Parliament is absolutely administrative. It is consistently a accommodation of both abandon of the House, in appointment with Mr. Speaker. Upon this agreement, an authoritative acknowledged action will activate the all-important action to recall, reopen, and all," Afenyo-Markin stated.

He abundant on the incident, saying, "I was in the chamber, and I alleged for the motion apropos the $250 actor ability from the World Bank. I stepped out to accommodated Ato Forson over the vetting of the Supreme Court nominee, as I did not appetite a again banter. While we were discussing and ecology proceedings, we acutely accomplished the Speaker was adjourning sine die. Surprisingly, he did not accord his closing remarks, nor did he acquiesce leaders to accomplish remarks."

Afenyo-Markin emphasized the Majority's altercation with the unilateral decision.

"We angrily disagree with the unilateral accommodation to curb the abode sine die. We will anon accommodated our conclave to get the all-important accord of the associates to annex their signatures to anamnesis the Abode per the law. This is democracy, and we accept to use the accoutrement of democracy."

The Speaker adjourned Parliament sine die on July 30, 2024.

This accommodation followed an beforehand advice aftermost anniversary advertence that the Abode will be adjourning.

However, in their business account for the week, the Majority adumbrated that the Abode would rather curb on Friday, August 2, 2024.


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