AdvertisementPaul Okoye, aka Rudeboy, has accepted the additional breach up of the P-Square music group

In an account with City FM, Lagos, he appear that the breach was due to artistic differences and claimed issues

Rudeboy debunked claims that he belittled his brother Peter's role in the accumulation which added up to the acumen for their antecedent breach up

He said he was abominably accused of adage he was the accompanist and Peter was the dancer

He explained that Peter appear to him that he was no best absorbed in the accumulation and didn't appetite to accomplish it public

P-Square Rudeboy additionally mentioned that they had altered visions for their music but he alone capital their appear aback to assignment and not echo the aforementioned mistakes

"The plan of our advancing aback calm was activity to aftermath a lot of hit albums. But as it is now, I'm aloof absorption on Rudeboy. Trust me, it is not aggregate that I would appetite to say

"I was actuality accused of adage that he [Peter] was the ballerina and I'm the singer. I apperceive whenever we go to the airport, bodies ask are you a accompanist or a dancer? I didn't apperceive it was affecting him. But I apperceive there was a time we came calm and said, 'Don't acquiesce this affair get to you, you should be appreciative of what you're doing. That's the role you're playing.' "We accept a song we did with T.I., 'Eja Jo'. That was aback the affair started. Till today, that song is still on 3 actor angle because bodies didn't apprehend the P-Square's articulation that they are acclimated to

"When we came aback together, because I didn't appetite the issues that happened before, I told my brother to appearance himself, let us be complex in the artistic action together. I told him we should allotment who carries the advance appropriately but still it wasn't working

"The new P-Square was peaceful. I bare the accomplished mistakes not to echo themselves. But afresh again he [Peter] said he's no added accomplishing [no best interested]. In fact, he told me in the face that he wants to quit. I asked if we could accomplish it accessible and he refused. But what will appear aback I go solo? Bodies will alarm me the bad person. That's why I'm speaking up now."