The Municipal Arch Executive (MCE) for Abuakwa-North in the Eastern Region has commissioned a bazaar afford at Akyem Tafo to addition bread-and-butter altitude in the breadth and board a accessory trading ambiance for the traders.

According to the assembly, the new afford with 41 stalls and 3 lockable shops will advice affluence bottleneck on the streets and acquiesce for bland affairs and affairs to booty place.

The afford will mainly be acclimated to board traders on the streets and others who administer to conduct their trading activities from there.

MCE for the area, Alhaji Umar Bodinga, acclamation the media afterwards the event, adumbrated that the new ability adds up to three agnate ones in the municipality, including Kukurantumi, Osiem, and New Tafo, which accept already undergone assorted levels of upgrading.

On the allocation of the stalls to traders, the MCE assured that he would ensure that the spaces were accustomed to the applicable and admirable traders but cautioned them adjoin affairs the stalls to others.

The achievement of the stalls, he stressed, is activity to access bread-and-butter activities in the municipality.

"Surely, it's activity to addition bread-and-butter activities," he said.

With the abridgement of able aliment actuality the affliction of best basement in the country, Alhaji Bodinga gave the close affirmation that his appointment would liaise with the acceptable administration to ensure that the ability is able-bodied conserved to aftermost continued abundant to serve its purpose.

Chief of Akyem Tafo, Osabarima Adusei Peasah IV, said the ability would go a continued way to abode the abridgement of accessory trading activities in the community.

On able aliment practices to bottle the accepted accompaniment of the stalls, the arch said efforts would be fabricated to brainwash the traders on best practices in the ability to ensure that it stays safe.

To ensure that the bazaar serves its purpose, he said traders plying their barter by the wayside and inappropriate places would be encouraged to administer for the stalls to conduct their trading activities.

He bidding his abstruse acknowledgment to the MCE and the bounded Accumulation for their appropriate intervention.

One of the women who articular herself as Yaa Boahemaa said, "I'm blessed we now accept a befitting bazaar ability because the antecedent ability was in bad shape."

She apprenticed all traders to administer for the stalls and not advertise at crooked places.