The NDC ProFo­rum North Amer­ica, represented by dedicated profes­sionals and experts in the diaspora, has outlined a strategic framework to support the government's agen­da in addressing the challenges of the Free Senior High School (SHS) system.

Consequently, the forum has recommended a 0.5 per cent levy on diaspora remittances to create a dedicated Senior High School (SHS) Trust Fund.

The diaspora community underlined what it described as "A comprehensive Framework to Enhance Ghana's Education Sys­tem" for both short, medium and long-term measures to reform the education sector to respond to the dynamic needs of society, in state­ment signed by Arnold Appiah, NDC Professional Forum, USA, copied the Ghanaian Times. "As a committed partner to na­tional development, the diaspora community is ready to contribute expertise, resources, and poli­cy-driven solutions to ensure Free SHS is sustainable, equitable, and of high quality.

Recognising the critical role of education in Ghana's so­cio-economic transformation, the ProForum is proposing a set of sustainable financing mechanisms, infrastructure development strate­gies, teacher welfare reforms, and curriculum modernisation initia­tives to enhance the current NDC government's efforts in building a robust and globally competitive education system," the NDC Pro­Forum North America explained.