A former African Union Ambassador to the United States, Her Excellency Ambassador Arikana Chihombori-Quao has challenged African youth to rise and hold their leaders accountable as well as change non-performing leaders since leadership has let Africans down. "If your leadership is not accountable nor serving you well replace them. If your Minister of Education is not recommending the proper reading materials in the Educational System replace him or her" Ambassador Chihombori-Quao challenged. "Our youth are suffering, our youth are sick and tired of bad leadership and deserve better". she observed. Delivering the 14th Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Lectures at the University Cape Coast(UCC), Ambassador Arikana advocated for the reunification of Africa and called on African leaders to reunite to fight for development in Africa. The Memorial Lecture which was held on the topic 'Imperialism, Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism' was instituted by UCC and dedicated to the Founder of UCC who doubled as the first President of Ghana, Dr.