An Islamic Scholar and Educationist, Dr Adam Umar Yabila, has admon­ished Muslims to be agents for peace, and pray for Ghana to have a peaceful general election. Dr Yabila who is the Chief Ex­ecutive Officer of Yabila Global Education, a non-governmental organisation, said this when he distributed 2000 copies of the Holy Qur'an to Islamic Institu­tions and Mosques in Kumasi on Tuesday, as part of his corporate social responsibility. The beneficiaries are Peace Dawah Media, the Ghana Muslim Students Association (GSMA), Volunteer for Muslim Youth Empowerment and Development and other Mosques. "We are in election year, our country needs peace, we distribute cop­ies of the Holy Qur'an for our Muslims to recite and supplicate to Allah to bless this country with peace, progress and pros­perity," he added. Dr Yabila said reciting the Qur'an, which is in Arabic language, was also beneficial to the nation because it was a form of education for Muslim, as they read the Qur'an they become spiritual connect­ed to Allah, develop piety, fear of Allah and become more discipline. He said "reading, reciting and reflect­ing upon the Qur'an," demonstrates its role as a "source of guidance healing and spiritu­al growth" buttering his point with Qur'an chapter 38:29: "The Qur'an is a book.