General Overseer of the Believer's House of Worship International, Apostle Abraham Lamptey has questioned the need for political parties to sign peace pacts during elections. His comments come on the back of the National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia, saying that the party will not be signing any peace declaration as the country approaches the upcoming. Speaking on 3fm Community Connect with Johnnie Hughes, Apostle Lamptey argued that preventing violence requires proactive measures rather than symbolic gestures. "What is the need and use of signing peace paths if everybody understands peace? Signing peace pacts doesn't bring peace it is the knowledge of it, and knowing the value of it that brings peace." Apostle Abraham Lamptey said. He further stated, peace is not the absence of trials but the knowledge of it. "Peace has not been overrated, but rather underrated I say so because we don't understand it, and if we do, you can't overrate or underrate peace, peace is peace.  Peace is not the absence of challenges or problems or trials, but peace is the awareness of your state and the knowledge that God is there with you so it's okay," he said.