Bawku Central administrator Mahama Ayariga will be arch the demonstration AdvertisementBawku Central Member of Parliament Mahama Ayariga has filed a Right to Advice (RTI) appeal to the Commune Assembly Common Fund (DACF), to appeal capacity of the Commune Alley Advance Programme (DRIP)

Mahama Ayariga is additionally asks for the acquittal agenda accompanying to the equipment

Additionally, he is inquiring about the absolute payments fabricated for the accessories so far

"Pursuant to area 18 of the Right to Advice Act, 2019 (Act 989), I abode on the instructions of Honourable Dr Cassiel Ato Forson, the Leader of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) conclave in Parliament, to appeal for the afterward information." "The amount at which anniversary assemblage of the accessories meant for the Commune Alley Advance Programme (DRIP) launched on Wednesday 31st July, 2024 has been procured," an extract of the letter said

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Wednesday, July 31 launched the Commune Alley Advance Programme (DRIP) and commissioned capital accessories at Black Star Square today

The event, aimed at acceptable the country's alley networks, marks a cardinal anniversary in the government's advancing efforts to decentralize development and advance the affection of activity for Ghanaians

In his address, President Akufo-Addo accent the analytical role of alley basement in bread-and-butter advance and amusing development. "Roads affix communities, facilitate trade, accredit admission to apprenticeship and healthcare, and ultimately advance the affection of activity for the citizenry," he stated

Despite cogent advance in contempo years, the President accustomed that abounding commune anchorage abide in poor condition, adverse bread-and-butter activities and development

The DRIP is advised to empower Metropolitan, Municipal, and Commune Assemblies (MMDAs) with the all-important assets and accessories to adjust and advance anchorage aural their areas. This action aligns with the government's charge to decentralization, accouterment bounded authorities with the accoutrement to aftereffect allusive change

The President appear the allotment of a absolute agile of 2,240 pieces of equipment, including motor graders, backhoes, rollers, caster loaders, bulldozers, tipper trucks, accurate mixers, baptize tankers, and low beds. These machines are accepted to comedy a acute role in the civic advance of alley infrastructure

A four-member board at anniversary MMDA will baby-sit the accomplishing of the programme, ensuring aerial standards of affection and accountability. The committees will accommodate abstruse admiral from the Ministry of Bounded Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Anchorage and Highways, forth with a adumbrative from the 48 Engineer Regiment of the Ghana Armed Forces. The Metropolitan, Municipal, and Commune Chief Executives (MMDCEs) will armchair these committees

President Akufo-Addo emphasized the job conception abeyant of the DRIP, bulging the conception of 10,000 jobs for mechanics, engineers, and artisans. He declared the nation's alley arrangement as the "circulatory arrangement of our economy," acute for commerce, education, and healthcare

Reflecting on accomplished achievements, the President acclaimed that from 2017 to December 2023, his administering completed 12,830 kilometers of anchorage and added six interchanges, a cogent access compared to the 4,636 kilometers and bristles interchanges completed during the Mills/Mahama era from 2009 to 2016. Current projects accommodate ten new interchanges, with bristles accepted to be completed by the end of the year and bristles added by 2025

The President fatigued the accent of advancement bounded alley networks for bread-and-butter development. Efficient biking reduces time and costs, advocacy bounded economies and productivity. By allotment bounded authorities with assets and equipment, the government aims to advance a faculty of buying and responsibility, ensuring that alley projects are tailored to accommodated bounded needs and conditions

President Akufo-Addo alleged for a collaborative access to the success of the DRIP. He apprenticed MMDCEs to attach to the operational chiral issued by authoritative ministries and stakeholders, ensuring able use and aliment of the equipment. He additionally alleged on the Ministry of Bounded Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development to authorize ecology and appraisal mechanisms to clue advance and ensure accountability

In closing, the President common the government's charge to convalescent alley networks beyond Ghana, ablution a new era of advance and development. "Together, we can body a Ghana area every aborigine has the befalling to thrive, area our communities are connected, and area our nation can abide to abound and prosper," he concluded

The barrage of the DRIP is a cogent footfall appear transforming Ghana's alley infrastructure, able added connectivity, bread-and-butter growth, and bigger affection of activity for all citizens