The flagbearer of the Liberal Party of Ghana has apprenticed to cycle out adolescent account abutment if he is adopted president.

The ambitious admiral adumbrated that beneath his presidency, he will pay GH¢500 every ages as adolescent benefit. He additionally apprenticed to acquaint unemployment allowances for unemployed adolescence in Ghana.

He added promised to abide with the accomplishing of the chargeless SHS action and additionally cycle out chargeless tertiary education.

Kofi Akpaloo declared that he would run the leanest government, allotment alone 39 ministers. When asked how he was activity to accession the assets to armamentarium these initiatives, he said, "We accept the assets in the country, and the action would be implemented if I were elected."

Akpaloo, speaking in an account on Frontline on Rainbow Radio 87.5FM, asserted that he is not like the added politicians who lie their way to power.

He promised to be accurate to Ghanaians, affirmation the charge for voters to vote massively for the LPG if they appetite a bigger future. The two above political parties, he added, accept had the befalling to govern, but they accept both bootless to bear to Ghanaians administration that can transform their lives.