Lawyers of Frederick Asante Nyarko, a distraught father whose daughter reportedly died during the Democracy Hub protests on September 21, 2024, in Accra have formally requested assistance in identifying the leaders responsible for the protest.In a letter addressed to the Inspector General of Police, the legal team emphasised the need to gather key information about the individuals who organized and led the demonstration, which took place on the principal streets of Accra.This request is part of their efforts to seek possible legal redress for their client.According to the letter, Mr Nyarko's daughter lost her life as a result of the chaotic events surrounding the protest, and identifying those who were in charge is essential to pursuing justice.Meanwhile, Mr Oliver Barker-Vomawor is the publicly known convenor of the group while Benjamin Akuffo Darko and Shafa Muse serve as directors with Ralph Afful Williams identifying as the Organiser, according to their records with the Police.Below is the RTI Request.Request for Information on Leaders in Unauthorized DemonstrationsWe act as lawyers for Frederick Asante Nyarko, who lost his daughter in an untimely death on the 21st of September 2024 as a result of the actions of the demonstrations that took place on that day.1.

We are seeking your assistance regarding the unauthorized demonstration that took place on the said date through the principal streets of Accra. 2.

In light of the events surrounding this demonstration and the untimely death of the daughter of our client, it is essential for us to gather pertinent information about the individuals who led this demonstration. 3.

Specifically, we are requesting for the names and any other identifying information of those who served as the leaders in the demonstration that took place on the 21st of September 2024. 4.