The Ghana Alliance of Allied Bloom Professions at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) has appear affairs to admit a civic strike

The accumulation demands the arrangement of a administrator to represent their organization, citation over fifty years of carelessness by the hospital's lath of admiral and the Ministry of Health

In a columnist arrangement captivated on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at KBTH, the Federation's administrator Dr. Francis Kwakye Antwi categorical the grievances and demands of the Allied Bloom Professions

According to him, they approved the activity of the Ministry of Bloom to arrest the awaiting brouhaha

The administrator emphasized the actual acceptation and basic contributions of Allied Bloom Professions to the healthcare system

The professions aural this alliance accommodate Radiography, Biomedical Laboratory Science, Blood Bank Profession, Biomedical Engineering, Audiology/Speech Therapy, Nutrition and Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Medical Physicist, Optometry, Biostatistics, Bloom Information Management, and Dental Technicians, amid others

"Despite our contributions, which accommodate breeding over 80% of the Internally Generated Funds (IGF) in the Hospital, we accept been marginalized and afar from administration positions," the administrator stated

He added argued that this marginalization has abnormally impacted abundance and assurance amid members, who feel advised as second-rate professionals admitting their qualifications, and as a result, the alliance seeks the actual advertisement and arrangement of a Administrator of Allied Health, a position they accept should alter the proposed Deputy Administrator of Medical Affairs (Allied Health) by the hospital recently

"We will not be silenced or ignored. We appeal acceptance and account for our professions. We will activity for our rights, and we will not aback down

"We hereby alarm on all Ghanaians, to abutment this account and accompany us to appeal actual acknowledgment from the authorities in adjustment to accomplish the Allied Bloom Professions added able and advance healthcare delivery," the administrator added

He asserted that the Alliance had beforehand planned a advance for July 25, 2024, but abeyant it afterwards actuality abreast that the Minister and Chief Administrator of the Ministry of Bloom would accommodated with the Board

According to him, on July 26, 2024, they met with the Board, alone to be offered a Deputy Administrator position, which they begin unacceptable

As a result, they accept bound to resume their planned actions, including a alternation of work-to-rule actions, abandonment of services, and ultimately a abounding civic bang if their demands are not met

The timeline for these accomplishments is as follows: "August 1, 2024: Work-to-rule (limiting casework to the bald minimum) "August 2, 2024: Abandonment of Outpatient Department (OPD) casework (attending alone to emergency cases and in-patients) "August 5, 2024: Abandonment of in-patient casework (stopping in-patient care, accessory alone to emergencies) "August 6, 2024: Abounding bang (members will not work) "August 7, 2024: Civic bang (other bloom institutions beyond the country will accompany the action)." AM/EK Watch the latest adventure of Everyday People on GhanaWeb TV below: