The ' (NDC) Director for Elections and IT, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah, has alleged on all political actors beyond the country to be added acute as the Balloter Commission begins its Mop-Up aborigine allotment exercise on Thursday, 1st August 2024

Dr. Omane Boamah mentioned that the cleanup exercise, which is accepted to aftermost for three days, should be approached with acumen and acuity in adjustment to bright any doubts advanced of the December 7 accepted elections

According to the aloft communications minister, the alarm for acute acuity from the aerial echelons of the NDC is all-important because the accepted register, according to the NDC, is not fit for purpose, abacus that the voters' annals is sick

Taking to his official Facebook folio on Wednesday, July 30, 2024, Dr. Omane Boamah said, "NDC agents charge additionally be acute because the EC is yet to address aback to IPAC on the austere apropos apropos the EC's abstracts that the NDC aloft at the aftermost IPAC meeting: yet the EC is proceeding to arise accession allotment exercise." He added, "NDC agents charge be added acute because there are still baseborn and un-retrieved Biometric Aborigine Allotment laptops in the easily of criminals. Agenda that these Biometric Aborigine Allotment laptops were baseborn from the address of the EC beneath CCTV surveillance." Dr. Omane Boamah accused the NPP of attempting to appoint in gerrymandering during the aborigine allotment exercise; hence, it is acute that the activity affair becomes added acute in adjustment to avoid any added attack by the NPP to allegedly abide in the aghast gerrymandering

"Take accepted activity to assure Ghana's capitalism and fix Ghana's destroyed abridgement and Ghana's aberrant unemployment in adjustment to restore achievement to Ghanaians by ensuring Change to displace Ghana." Read his Full Facebook Post below NDC Agents: Be Added Acute During Mop-Up Aborigine Allotment Exercise; As We Strive To Analysis The Unfit for Purpose Voters Register From tomorrow, Thursday, 1st August, to Saturday, 3rd August, all Ghanaians 18 years and aloft who are acceptable to vote BUT NOT ALREADY REGISTERED AS VOTERS will be accepted to annals at the District offices of the Balloter Commission (EC) of Ghana

According to the EC, the cleanup allotment exercise will additionally be conducted in both 41 bastille centers and 26 accessible universities

Accordingly, we appetite NDC agents and political actors beyond the country to be EXTRA VIGILANT throughout the three-day allotment period

This alarm for acute acuity from the aerial echelons of our abundant affair is all-important because the accepted voters' register, which the EC states has 18,681,366 voters, is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE! The voters' annals is sick! NDC agents charge additionally be acute because the EC is yet to address aback to IPAC on the austere apropos apropos the EC's abstracts that the NDC aloft at the aftermost IPAC meeting: yet the EC is proceeding to arise accession allotment exercise

Additionally, NDC agents charge be added acute because there are still baseborn and un-retrieved Biometric Aborigine Allotment laptops in the easily of criminals

Agenda that these Biometric Aborigine Allotment laptops were baseborn from the address of the EC beneath CCTV surveillance

Furthermore, NDC agents charge be acute because the gerrymandering NPP could not accomplish with the aborigine alteration exercise, they seek to defended in this cleanup exercise

This additionally agency hardly won or absent constituencies charge booty agenda and be vigilant

We charge watch out! And booty accepted activity to assure Ghana's capitalism and fix Ghana's destroyed abridgement and Ghana's aberrant unemployment in adjustment to restore achievement to Ghanaians by ensuring Change to displace Ghana

To displace Ghana, the Balloter Commission charge stop arising bald assurances and act timeously to restore aplomb in the balloter process

Moreover, the Balloter Commission charge acquire the charge to clearly analysis the voters' register

In addition, the Balloter Commission charge acknowledgment the genitalia of the 35 questions we airish at IPAC about the baseborn and missing Biometric Equipment, as they promised afterwards consulting their lawyers, alike if they're clumsy to acknowledgment all 35

Furthermore, the aegis agencies charge act professionally and boot and abashment the amateurish NPP elements who seek to afflict the accord of Ghana application the aegis system

This is because Ghana needs free, fair, transparent, and peaceful elections, that will additionally allure both bounded and adopted absolute investments

Ghana additionally needs a peaceful TRANSITION of ability on January 07, 2025

While we appetite NDC agents and political actors to be added acute from tomorrow, 1st August to Saturday, 3rd August 2024, in adjustment to defended the adherence of the cleanup Aborigine Allotment Exercise, we additionally already afresh actually appeal a cellophane analysis of the absolute voters' register! #EAGLEEYES #OrganiseDontAgonise