AdvertisementThe Coffer of Ghana (BoG) has been commended for demography accomplish to apparatus adopted barter bazaar (FX) regulations

Director of Research at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) Dr John Kwakye who gave the BoG a pat on the aback said that the adjustment to all accountant Adopted Barter Bureaux to use the centralised adopted exchange  trading platform for the affairs and affairs of adopted currencies "is a acceptable action account commending." "I accept continued alleged for administration of all FX regulations to advice stabilise the cedi," he wrote on his X platform

The axial coffer had directed all accountant Adopted Barter Bureaux to use the belvedere able August 1, 2024

This action is in band with the cold of the axial coffer to ensure the candor and development of the banking system, the Coffer of Ghana said

In a statement, the Coffer declared the action as a anniversary in its efforts to ensure safe and complete operations of the adopted barter business

The belvedere will advance blank for Directors and Management of bureaux and enhance the Bank's ecology and administration of their operations in acquiescence with the Adopted Barter Act, 2006 (Act 723) and the Anti-Money Laundering Act, (Act 1044), as amended, and added accordant notices and enactments

To ensure abounding utilisation and realisation of the system's objectives, the afterward must be adhered to: i. Trading of Adopted Currencies with Accountant Dealers Only: The affairs and selling of adopted currencies shall alone be conducted at Coffer of Ghana licensed foreign currencies dealers, which accommodate accountant Adopted Barter Bureaux

ii. Usage of the Platform: All Adopted Barter Bureaux affairs shall be conducted on the new trading platform

iii. Issuance of Cyberbanking Receipt: Adopted Barter Bureaux are appropriate to issue cyberbanking cancellation to barter for all purchases and sales of foreign currencies

iv. Analysis of Customer Identity: In band with Coffer of Ghana's Notice No

BG/GOV/SEC/01 blue-blooded "Use of Ghana Card for All Banking Transactions", all persons gluttonous to buy or advertise adopted currencies charge accommodate a Ghana Card or Passport (for Adopted Nationals) and abide biometric verification

"The belvedere has been chip with the Civic Identification Arrangement to ensure all purchases and sales of adopted currencies are performed by absolute individuals

"It will additionally be chip with the civic acquittal belvedere to abutment cyberbanking payments and the cancellation of Ghana Cedis for adopted bill affairs at bureaux

"The accessible is reminded that the affairs and affairs of adopted currencies shall alone be conducted with Coffer of Ghana accountant adopted currencies dealers," a account issued by the BoG said