The Ghana Baptize Aggregation Limited is afraid about the access of baptize beat annexation in the Ashanti Arena afterward a contempo case of burglary in the Suame municipality

Two persons, believed to be atom dealers, were apprehended by the Suame District badge afterwards actuality chased and bent by association in the breadth who doubtable them of accepting baseborn baptize meters from the neighbourhood

The case adds to the boilerplate of 65 cases of beat burglary recorded account in the region

Management of Ghana Baptize Limited says the growing cases are abnormally impacting the financials and abstruse operations of the aggregation as they allegation alter the baseborn meters advisedly for customers

Public Relations Officer of GWL-Ashanti, Ebenezer Padi Narh batten with Luv Business

"We accept to go and alter the beat chargeless of charge. If we are recording an boilerplate of 60 cases of beat theft, aloof brainstorm the bulk of money we accept to absorb to alter these meters. This is alfresco the adulterated ones that we accept to adjustment or replace. These monies could accept been acclimated in purchasing pipes and for addendum works," he said

According to Mr. Padi Narh, at atomic ten cases accept afresh been recorded in the region's Bantama, Abrepo and Kropong suburbs

Although it charcoal cryptic why these individuals go afterwards the meters, the baptize distributing aggregation believes the brownish apparatus of the meters are capital abstracts to them

The baptize benefactor replaced its aboriginal brownish cased meters with plastics, but the new meters are continuously baseborn by alien bodies and awash at a cheaper price

The aggregation is advising the accessible to ensure their meters are appropriately bound and well-protected from the grips of these criminals

Meanwhile, the arrested duo are accepted to be candy and arraigned afore court

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