The Bongo District Cloister in the Upper East Region has adjourned nine bodies including pastors age-old amid 19 to 25.

According to reports, the nine individuals were arrested by the badge for allegedly accusing a 61-year-old woman of abracadabra and after maltreating her in the community.

They are accepted to reappear in cloister on August 15.

The victim, Ayidaana Abotisei, was taken to Burkina Faso and affected to acknowledge to actuality a witch, reported.

Ayidaana's son, Joseph Aduko, who appear the adventure to the police, declared that a academician from the Gbewa College of Education as able-bodied as association associates are amid the individuals adjourned by court.

In an account with Asaase News, Joseph Aduko appear that the pastors accustomed in the association aloft allurement by a inferior about who is a academician at Biwa Training College to action prayers.

Additionally, some adolescent girls who accepted to actuality witches to the pastors mentioned Ayidaana as the one amenable for their witchcraft.

"Some adolescent pastors, alignment in age from 19 to 25, accustomed in our association and were accustomed by the chief. They chose a primary academy as their area for prayers. I aboriginal heard about the affair on 25 July. I alleged a inferior about who is a academician at Biwa Training College and abreast him of the situation. I told him that I was audition letters that some pastors were accusing my mother of actuality a witch."

"It was the inferior relative, accepted as Assah or Pastor Assah, who had abiding for these pastors. They are blockage at our abode and assuming assorted activities."

"According to them, they accept been praying with several adolescent girls who are allegedly manifesting as witches. The girls affirmation that my mother is amenable for their declared witchcraft," he added.

Aduko added declared that his mother was bound up in a allowance at the Adaboya chief's alcazar aloft acknowledgment from Burkina Faso.

"The afterward day, I bound went to the badge base and appear the case. The badge were authoritative arrangements, but unbeknownst to them, the arch had already summoned my mother to the palace. She was kept in a allowance with no windows and bound inside."

"I was abreast that there were alike pronouncements that she should be dead that night. When I heard this, I anon mobilised the police, and we proceeded to Adaboya."

"Upon accession at Adaboya, we went to the Arch House, area we begin bags of bodies gathered. It took about 15 badge admiral and added than an hour to accomplishment my mother. The arch and his bodies insisted they would never absolution her."

"The badge abreast them that they were there alone to accomplishment the woman. The arch questioned whether the badge had abreast Bongo Naba afore coming. The badge responded that they were not alive with Bongo Naba but were acting on orders from their administrator to accomplishment the woman."

"After we auspiciously rescued my mother, as I was captivation her, the army started chanting insults. They caked baptize on us, threw stones, and sang aspersing songs, all in the attendance of the police. The badge can adjure to this."