AdvertisementThe government has reaffirmed its adherence to acknowledging the seamless operations of Electrochem Ghana Limited in the agriculture of alkali at the Songhor Lagoon in Ada of the Greater Accra Region

This charge was underscored by a alive appointment from the Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Assets amenable for Mining, George Mireku Duker, on Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The appointment by George Mireku Duker, which accustomed him to admission contiguous advice about the aggregation and its operations in the area, is in advocacy of government's boldness to ensure that the aggregation and association of the breadth adore a mutually benign accord that spurs the advance of the breadth and Ghana at large

The alive bout included a absolute appointment to the mining site, breadth the Deputy Minister and his appointment from the Ministry and the Minerals Commission accustomed a abundant conference on the alkali mining process

They were guided through the absolute operational sequence, accepting a absolute compassionate of the accurate accomplish complex in extracting alkali from the Songhor Lagoon

Speaking to the media afterwards the tour, Mr Duker fabricated a heartwarming acknowledgment that Electrochem Ghana Limited will anon account on the Ghana Banal Exchange to acquiesce Ghanaians to advance in it

He declared that the advertisement of Electrochem is a attestation to the accountability and cellophane accreditation of the company

He commended the Group Chairman of McDan Group of Companies, management, and agents for the abstracted and battleground Electrochem Project, which has so far created over 1,800 absolute jobs in the breadth and apparent an advance of $80 million. He was decidedly addled by the bounded agreeable representation in the company

With the aggregation accepted to abound exponentially in the advancing years, Mr. Duker alleged for an all-hands-on-deck approach, with a appropriate address to some of the annoyed association from the assorted Ada communities to appear on lath and ensure the success of the company

The Deputy Minister acclaimed that back its inception, Electrochem Ghana Ltd has afford absolute ablaze on the bodies of Ada and fabricated them a affair of all-around absorption as able-bodied as a alarm of absolute account for the area

He took banal of the socio-economic appulse of the Songhor activity on the breadth and the country at large, acquainted that the aggregation is breeding cogent acquirement for the MIIF

He believes that a able and collaborative accord amid mining companies and communities in catchment areas is acute to the able harnessing of the assets and accordingly counseled mining companies to accede those communities as key and basal ally in their activities

Mr Duker commended the aggregation for embarking on a adventure to body a refinery, acknowledgment that the action is in band with the government's action of affective Ghana from raw actual corruption to amount addition

He appealed to the aggregation to actualize a assurance armamentarium that allows the communities to adore absolute allowances from the acquirement generated from the alkali mining. He believes that such an action will advice strengthen the accord amid the aggregation and the assorted communities

"I'm so afflicted and blessed that we are architecture bounded champions in the industry. I accept McDan charge be motivated and encouraged, and I additionally appetite to address to the bodies to abutment this enviable project. This activity is one of the best in Africa, and per what has been adumbrated to me, they are bearing not beneath than 650,000 metric tons, ramping it up to a actor abutting year and two actor subsequently. If this is realized, again we are talking about creating millions of acquirement and jobs

"The Songhor has a history of action because the bodies of the breadth accept not benefitted enough, but if we booty into cognizance how this activity is progressing, again acutely the bodies are activity to acquire more. In agreement of CSR, their projects are absolutely impressive. They've injected $3 actor into accepting women into trade, some antic accessories they accept complete for them, and added accessories they intend to do for them. These are projects that will appulse the people," he told the media afterwards the tour

Speaking on account of the company, the Group CEO of McDan Group of Companies, Mr. Kwaku Ampromfi, commended Mireku Duker for the visit, acquainted that the Tarkwa-Nsuaem administrator has been constant with his abutment for the company

He explained that the aggregation is demography businesslike measures to abide its amplification and additionally bear on its CSR commitments to the communities to ensure that they adore the allowances of their resources

Nene Agudey, the Vice President of the Ada Acceptable Council, said that Electrochem's accession was an acknowledgment to years of adoration from the indigenes for an able harnessing of their resources

He assured that the acceptable authorities will abide to assignment with the aggregation to boldness the stand-offs and ensure that the alkali is acclimatized for the development of Ada and Ghana