AdvertisementOn August 6th, 2024, the Executive Director of the Ghana Library Authority, Mr. Hayford Siaw, accompanied by several administration members, accepted acceptance from MountCrest Law School for their avant-garde ideas, which could decidedly admission the Authority's behavior on acknowledged apprenticeship in Ghana

This acclamation came during a address appointment by the acceptance to the Authority

Gideon Kwasi Annor, a akin 300 apprentice at MountCrest Law School and the Business Development Administrator of NIS NIS Venture Limited, led his aggregation on this appointment as allotment of his attack affiance to advance the school's library accessories as he vies for the position of Law Acceptance Union President. Annor foolishly argued that, adverse to accepted belief, not all acceptance at MountCrest, a clandestine law institution, are financially well-off. He accent that anniversary year, the school's administration awards scholarships to ablaze but financially disadvantaged students. These students, admitting accepting their charge covered, generally attempt to allow the big-ticket law books appropriate for all-encompassing study. Annor proposed a collaborative accomplishment amid MountCrest and the Ghana Library Authority to allay this issue

Annor appealed to the Authority to absorb acknowledged apprenticeship into their e-book offerings. He appropriate that accouterment law books at affordable and reasonable prices through agenda platforms would abundantly account law acceptance nationwide

Mrs. Yaa Agyemang Opare Adu, the Head of Administration accompanying the Executive Director, bidding her account for the students' forward-thinking approach. She abundant on the Authority's authorization and its assorted avant-garde projects, aimed at accouterment the all-important assets for the bookish development of Ghanaian youth. She emphasized the abeyant appulse of this altercation on the approaching of acknowledged apprenticeship in the country and bidding aplomb in the absolute change it could bring

Other administration associates additionally took the befalling to acclaim the acceptance for their avant-garde admission to acknowledged education. They appropriate formalizing the accord through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to account both institutions. They common their charge to confined the Ghanaian bodies and acceptable educational resources

The Executive Director, Mr. Hayford Siaw, continued his acknowledgment to Gideon Annor and his team, which included his active mate, Ms. Rosaline Leslie Defia, a PR specialist; his attack manager, Ms. Zulaiha Ibrahim; Mr. Elvis Allan Bentil; and Ms. Bernice Sangmortey. They contributed added to the discussion, reinforcing the arguments fabricated by Annor and acceptable the all-embracing proposition

This collaborative action amid MountCrest Law School and the Ghana Library Authority promises to not alone advance admission to capital acknowledged assets but additionally to set a antecedent for approaching partnerships aimed at acceptable acknowledged apprenticeship in Ghana