The Agency on Human Rights and Administrative Amends (CHRAJ) has declared that it does not accept the ascendancy to investigate the 2020 balloter abandon that resulted in the deaths of eight individuals, due to agnate cases already afore some courts in the country.

In a abode anachronous June 13, 2023, CHRAJ cited Article 219 of the 1992 Constitution, which prohibits the agency from investigating affairs awaiting in the courts.

Furthermore, the CHRAJ Act, 1993 (Act 456) does not admission it the ability to conduct such investigations, reports.

CHRAJ's cessation came afterwards basic investigations to actuate if it could abode a complaint lodged by two Members of Parliament, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa and Emmanuel Armah Kofi Buah, on August 26, 2021.

"The agency is of the advised appearance that its authorization to conduct any investigations into this complaint is acutely ousted by Article 219 (2) (a) of the 1992 Constitution, and Section 8(2) of Act 456," CHRAJ declared in the report.

Despite acknowledging that the abandon in four constituencies-Techiman South, Odododiodio, Ablekuma Central, and Savelugu-tarnished Ghana's autonomous reputation, CHRAJ recommended that accompaniment institutions amenable for case and acknowledgment accelerate activity on the electoral-related agitated cases to bear amends to the victims.

"There is the burning charge for all accessible admiral and institutions answerable with the albatross of prosecuting and adjudicating on these affairs that accept been activate by the agency to be awaiting afore the courts to accelerate activity on bringing the balloon of these cases to an end as anon as possible, abnormally as the abutting presidential and aldermanic elections are aloof a year and bisected away," the abode stated.

CHRAJ Commissioner, Joseph Akanjolenur Whittal, emphasized that the agency is apprenticed by the admiral accepted to it by the architecture and Ghana's Parliament.

"It is the advised appearance of the agency as a animal of the Architecture and statute that it can alone exercise the authorization acutely and especially conferred on it," he explained.

He added acclaimed that assertive laws aim to assure the candor of added built-in institutions.

"Ultimately, this agency charge go to a cloister to accomplish its decision. Now, if the amount is already awaiting afore a court, and CHRAJ goes advanced to investigate, how will it be activated if the aftereffect is altered from the court's decision?" he added.

Whittal antiseptic that the abode was initially appear to the complainants and respondents aftermost year.

The accessible absolution was to adverse the acumen that CHRAJ had alone the complaint.

The antecedent complaint by Ablakwa and Buah approved an analysis into declared actionable accomplishments by admiral of the Ghana Police Service and the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), which reportedly led to the deaths and injuries in the four constituencies.

CHRAJ's abode acclaimed that the requested reliefs were the accountable of three abstracted civilian apparel accompanying to the Techiman South Constituency violence, awaiting afore the Wenchi High Court.

The abandon in the Odododiodio and Ablekuma Central constituencies is beneath case by the Attorney-General.

Additionally, the Savelugu abandon cases are in assorted stages of bent proceedings, with some trials set to activate in the High Cloister and others beneath analysis at the A-G's office.


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