Mother Viola Ford Fletcher, the oldest active survivor of the Tulsa Race Massacre, has clearly accustomed Kamala Harris for Admiral of the United States. As Mother Fletcher aloof acclaimed her 110th birthday, her endorsement holds abstruse significance, abiding in a aeon of lived history and resilience.

In 1921, the Tulsa Race Massacre destroyed Black Wall Street, a advancing African American association in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mother Fletcher, who was a adolescent at the time, witnessed the confusion firsthand.

Now, added than a aeon later, she is lending her articulation and abutment to Kamala Harris, accent the awe-inspiring advance and the responsibilities that appear with it.

Reflecting on her endorsement, Mother Fletcher said, "as a bifold aborigine of both the US and Ghana… I couldn't be added aflame for Kamala Harris as she embarks on the adventure of acceptable our aboriginal changeable president. I, Queen Mother Viola Ford Fletcher, and my ancestors endorse her with God's grace. At 110 years of age… I will be ready, willing, and able to casting my vote in November. Every vote counts!"

Mother Fletcher's endorsement highlights the absurd adventure from a time back the achievability of a changeable president, abnormally a woman of color, was unimaginable.

Her bulletin serves as a admonition of the accent of accommodating in this cogent and awe-inspiring election, anniversary the anamnesis of those who absent their lives in the Tulsa Race Massacre and endless others who fought for civilian rights.

H.E Ambassador Dr. Erieka Bennet, the Convening Founder and Head of Mission of The Diaspora African Forum and Dr. Toni Luck, had the abstruse account of allowance accompany Mother Fletcher to Africa and acknowledging her in accepting her Ghanaian citizenship; emblematic a absolutely accomplishing moment in the activity of an African American icon.

Mother Fletcher, a appreciative aborigine in the accompaniment of Oklahoma, urges all acceptable voters to annals and ensure their choir are heard in the accessible U.S. Elections in November.

Her endorsement of Kamala Harris is a alarm to activity for all citizens to participate in abstraction the approaching of the nation, ensuring that the sacrifices of the accomplished pave the way for a brighter, added across-the-board future.