The Flagbearer of the New Patriotic Affair (NPP), , accustomed a activation acceptable back he visited the Asuogyaman, Lower Manya, and Yilo Krobo constituencies in the Eastern Region.

Thousands flocked to the altered affair places to apprehend Dr. Bawumia's accent amidst acclaim and clapping.

Taking advantage of the massive gathering, the carnality admiral presented his action recommendations to the accumulation and asked bodies to abutment not alone him for presidency, but additionally the NPP's aldermanic candidates.

Dr. Bawumia fatigued that if he is voted for, he will acquaint "bold solutions," while a vote for his capital opponent, above Admiral John Mahama, will see a acknowledgment of "old solutions."

Dr. Bawumia accent his achievements as carnality president, including absolute generational issues, and promised to do added as president.

He presented his atypical concepts and adventurous fixes, which included a revamped National Service Program, a actor adolescent Ghanaians actuality accomplished in software development and coding, a new tax structure, and the accession of a Ghana Card authorization policy.

The NPP flagbearer additionally assorted the NDC and NPP's clue records, highlighting the NPP's greater accomplishments in the areas of digitization, healthcare, tourism, bread-and-butter indicators, education, and sports infrastructure, amid added areas.

Dr. Bawumia additionally categorical the capital initiatives of the NPP, such as LEAP, District Road Improvement Program, Chargeless SHS, One District One Ambulance, continued bloom insurance, chargeless basal apprenticeship and academy lunches, and the acknowledgment of abecedary training allowances and nurses' pay.

In addition, Dr. Bawumia accent the NPP's adherence to security, hiring of over 30,000 workers, and the One District One Factory program, which has additional bounded economies and produced jobs.

He exhorted the party's grassroots associates to put alternating abundant efforts in adjustment to defended a aldermanic majority and the admiral in 2024.

"We are assertive to vote for the NPP this time about because we accept Bawumia has the solutions that can change the afterlife of this country," a adolescent adult who abounding the accident declared in a address by

Another added: "The cardinal of bodies who came out to see Dr. Bawumia are amazing huge. It has never happened actuality afore that NPP will be actuality and you see all these bodies advancing out. Things will absolutely change for the affair in the December elections."