In 2014, SADA's administration faced analysis aback letters emerged that guinea fowls from the action had migrated to neighbouring Burkina Faso. Addressing the media in Bolgatanga at the cessation of his bout of the Upper East Region, Mahama refuted these allegations

Mahama antiseptic that the activity was blurred by the public. Contrary to accepted acceptance that the birds were to be reared in a single, amid area, the action was absolutely an evolution process. The day-old breed were advised to be broadcast to farmers for rearing

He criticised the media for overextension misinformation afterwards thoroughly compassionate the project. "No guinea fowl flew to Burkina Faso. Guinea fowls are not afoot birds and the activity was not for you to appear and see bags of guinea fowls in one place. It was declared to bear the eggs and accord the guinea fowls' day-old breed to farmers," Mahama explained, as appear by

"And so somebody came and asked the watchman, 'where are the guinea fowls?' And the caretaker said, 'they go Burkina Faso, they go appear aback in the backing season.' The media went and appear it. And afterwards that, there are bodies who accept that there were some guinea fowls that flew to Burkina Faso. So that activity died. But I anticipate it is a activity we can attending at again," he added

Mahama additionally mentioned that there was a absolute plan for the complete guinea fowls to be candy and transported to bazaar centres beyond the country. "There was declared to be a processing bulb so that the guinea fowls would be bought off the households and processed. And they would put them in arctic trucks to accelerate them bottomward to the south to the market. Unfortunately, the activity ran into issues. The media criticised it, and they came and said the guinea fowls had aureate to Burkina Faso," he said

He emphasised the charge to revisit and appropriately accept such development projects to abstain misinformation and ensure their success. Mahama's clarifications aim to allay belief and highlight the accent of authentic reporting