The 2024 flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has apprenticed that a approaching NDC government will assignment to boldness the artificial accord amid Ghana and Burkina Faso

Mr Mahama criticized Admiral Akufo-Addo for allegedly damaging the relationship, arch to what he describes as "diplomatic tension" admitting the President's efforts to abode the issue

During a media alternation in the Upper East Region, Mahama emphasized the accent of advancement acceptable relations with neighbouring countries, decidedly in the ambience of acclamation alarm threats from the Sahel region

He acclimated a bounded adage to allegorize the charge for acuity and cooperation: "When your neighbour's bristles is on fire, you back baptize and put it by your bristles because it can advance to your own." "We apperceive what is accident in Burkina Faso, and we should be alive afterpiece with our assembly in Burkina Faso. Unfortunately, this government has created astriction amid us and Burkina Faso because our Admiral went to accessible his aperture too widely, chattering about your neighbour, so it has created some adept tension

"When government changes, we accept to go and allocution to our neighbours because we charge assignment together. I anticipate that we charge advance our relationship," he said

He underscored the call of alive carefully with Burkina Faso to advance relations and abode alternate aegis concerns

Additionally, Mahama declared for adequate borders, added surveillance, and added aegis measures to anticipate abeyant spillovers from bounded conflicts

He apprenticed the government to boldness the Bawku crisis promptly as allotment of these efforts

President Akufo-Addo, while speaking to reporters alongside U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday, December 14, declared that Burkina Faso had assassin Russian mercenaries and that Burkina Faso had offered Wagner a abundance as payment

"Today, Russian mercenaries are on our arctic border. Burkina Faso has now entered into an adjustment to go forth with Mali in employing the Wagner armament there," Akufo-Addo had said, abacus that it was a cutting development for Ghana

After the comments, Burkina Faso summoned Ghana's Ambassador on Friday, December 16, for "explanations." In a account issued afterwards the affair with the Ambassador, Burkina Faso's Foreign Ministry said it had "expressed disapproval" about the statements fabricated by the Ghanaian president."Ghana could accept undertaken exchanges with the Burkinabe authorities on the aegis affair in adjustment to accept the appropriate information," it said

To boldness the issue, the National Aegis Minister, Mr Kan-Dapaah led a high-level appointment from Ghana, which additionally included aegis chiefs and admiral from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bounded Integration to Burkina Faso to achieve the issue

The two countries accept after reaffirmed their charge to assignment in angry agitation in the West Africa Region

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