AdvertisementFormer President John Mahama has refuted claims that Guinea fowls beneath the Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) flew to Burkina Faso, adage Guinea fowls are not afoot birds

During a media assurance in Bolgatanga on Wednesday, Mr Mahama antiseptic that the Guinea fowl activity was absolutely advised to enhance the livelihoods of rural farmers in the arctic regions by announcement the assembly of Guinea fowls, adverse to misconceptions about the birds brief to Burkina Faso

The initiative, he said aimed to bear eggs and administer day-old breed to farmers, who would again accession them for meat

Misconceptions However, he said the activity faced abrupt challenges as the media criticized it, and a ambiguous anecdotal took hold

"A company asked a caretaker about the abode of the Guinea fowls, and the caretaker jokingly replied that they had aureate to Burkina Faso with the alteration seasons. The animadversion was taken out of ambience and advance like wildfire," Mr Mahama explained

Before long, he said the media was advertisement that the Guinea fowls had absolutely migrated to Burkina Faso, and the activity was accounted a failure

"The truth, however, was far from it. Guinea fowls are not afoot birds, and the project's ambition was never to actualize a comedy of bags of birds in one place," he said

Viability Despite the misinformation, Mr Mahama said the abstraction of announcement Guinea fowl assembly charcoal a applicable one as there was growing appeal for convalescent meat options

"Guinea fowl meat is acceptable more popular, decidedly in the southern regions," he said

Former President Mahama, who accomplished the project, said he believes it's time to revisit the abstraction and apprenticed to accept a additional attending at it back re adopted in the December election

"If we can access Guinea fowl production, it would advice the incomes of abounding families because it's a activity account attractive at again", he said