Every weekend in Ghana, marriages are blithely adored and celebrated

However, the acknowledged aisle to catastrophe a alliance is abundant added stringent

According to Section 1 of the Matrimonial Causes Act of Ghana, a cloister will abandoned admission a annulment if the alliance has burst bottomward above reconciliation

"The sole arena for acceding a address for annulment shall be that the alliance has burst bottomward above reconciliation

"One of the area for proving such a breakdown is if a accomplice has committed adultery." An explainer by Yudah Brown of the law-gh, as illustrated in the case of Eunice N. Antwi v. John N. Antwi, demonstrates affair abandoned is bereft for accepting a divorce

The cloister requires affirmation that the affair fabricated it impossible, intolerable, or abundant for the afflicted accomplice to break in the marriage

In this case, the petitioner, Eunice N. Antwi, apparent that her bedmate was sleeping with addition woman and had alike fathered a adolescent with her

Despite this, she connected active with her bedmate for four years and four months afore gluttonous a divorce

The cloister disqualified that artlessly citation affair was not abundant to admission a divorce

The adjudicator emphasized that the appellant charge appearance that the affair fabricated it impossible, unbearable, and intolerable to abide active with the partner

The abiding cohabitation of Eunice with her bedmate afterwards advertent the affair adumbrated that the bearings was not intolerable

As a result, the cloister denied the annulment on the area of adultery, the explainer said

It added that instead, the annulment was accepted based on added affidavit not defined in the case summary

While affair can be a arena for divorce, it charge be accompanied by bright affirmation that it has fabricated the alliance abundant and absurd to continue

This ensures that annulment petitions are thoroughly advised and that the candor of alliance is upheld

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