Swedru-based powerful Traditional Herbalist known as Lord Ziggy has stated that prayers do not heal the sick as many men of God make their congregants believe.

The founder of Tumimutumi haban (white temple) told Amansan Krakye on Property FM in Cape Coast that it is herbs that rather cure the sick though he's not against prayers.

He said the President of Ghana should direct all churches to teach their members the efficacy of using herbal medications to cure diseases. "Left to me alone I would suggest that the president of Ghana should direct all churches to be teaching the potency of herbs in all our church services," he said.

He revealed "It is the herbs that we use to cure diseases but prayers don't heal the sick, I mean as for prayers you are using it to work on your soul for God to have mercy on you. "For instance when someone is sick of a headache you'd need some herbs to help the person but instead if you pray for the person, this might even worsen the headache. "We ought to go to the church to pray but herbs is what I recommend for anyone who is sick physically or spiritually but that doesn't mean that I'm advocating for people to stop going to church," he added.