The Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Board bygone or­ganised a clean-up in the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly

It was allotment of the Homowo clean-up activity accomplished by the board to brainwash acceptable san­itation practices in the region, as able-bodied as booty activity adjoin bodies who affront sanitation bye-laws

Participants, which includ­ed cadre from the Ghana Armed Forces, Ghana Police Service, Ghana Fire Service (GNFS), association and trad­ers aural the Korle Klottey Assembly, desilted the capital arising and austere weeds in the municipality

The Chief Director of Coun­cil, Mrs Lilian Baeka, said a absolute of 200 bodies were summoned during the aboriginal appearance of the exercise, which commenced about aftermost ages in the region. She acclaimed that their offences included the absence of toilet accessories on their premises, prepar­ing aliment on the street, battered bathhouses, bedraggled bathhous­es, as able-bodied as befitting and harbour­ing animals on-premises

Mrs Baeka added that the offenders were summoned by the Environmental Health Officers of the Accra Metropolitan Assem­bly, Ayawaso Central, Ablekuma Central and Korle Klottey Munic­ipal Accumulation at the end of the exercise

Moreover, she declared that the assorted Assembly's Environmental Officers who had issued those summoned had been directed to accomplish the bye-laws in announcement acceptable sanitation practices in the region

She said the Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) had additionally been asked to sustain the clean­liness of the communities area the exercise took abode and ensure agnate contest were done in added places

Mrs Baeka common the charge for citizens to booty a agog absorption in sanitation issues back ensuring a apple-pie ambiance was a aggregate responsibility

She explained that a apple-pie ambiance keeps the bodies in the association safe from diseas­es such as Cholera, Malaria, and added catching diseases, and apprenticed the accessible to address those who affront the sanitation laws to authorities

She cautioned that stiffer abuse would be meted-out to sanitation offenders as the Board boarded on the additional appearance of the exercise in the Ayawaso West, La Dade-Koto­pon, Ayawaso East and North Municipal Assembly

The Environmental Health Officer for Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly, Mr Victor Acquaye, saidthe accumulation was agreeable with the communities to account the sanitation and bye-laws, affirmation that, all the accessible should participate in the exercise back it gets to their Assembly

He said belletrist had already been beatific to all "Chops Bars" and organisations to acquaint them of the clean-up, while an advice van had additionally been deployed to advertise the exercise in adjustment to abandon bodies from giving excuses for not actuality aware

He said so far, the exercise had been actual successful, and ambition that the consecutive ones would be absolutely alternate by the communities, abacus that, the Accumulation had agitated its administration exercise as allotment of efforts to accumulate the burghal clean