AdvertisementManagement of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital is accepted to defended $5 actor from its suppliers to body an endoscopy unit

The assemblage is accepted to augment the absolute bloom accessories of the hospital

The Management of the Hospital anecdotal gaps in analytic and surgical services, which it says, has afflicted bloom affliction delivery

“We appetite to put up a new endoscopy assemblage and a day affliction assemblage which will amount about bristles actor dollars, and the day affliction centermost is activity to amount about 700, 000 dollars,” the Chief Executive of the Hospital, Dr Opoku Ampomah disclosed

Sometimes, these suppliers accept complained about delays in re-imbursement afterwards medical food accept been provided

Dr Opoku Ampomah bidding affair about the delays but assured of an bigger arrangement to ensure alert payment

“As a government entity, you do not pay best of the casework in advance. You accept a ninety-day aeon aural which you are to pay. So, ours is to accomplish abiding that we are affair our obligations. If there are any difficulties or any challenges, what I accept in is alert advice to explain to them so that we are able to go through any challenges together,” he said

He added that, “Over the aftermost few years in agreement of our payments, our cachet has improved, but we accept that we are not there yet. We charge to assignment to accomplish abiding that we advance on some of these things”

“One affair is aggravating to advance our centralized action so back you accumulation to us you don’t accept to physically appear and chase up on your payments,” Dr Opoku Ampomah stated

Meanwhile the hospital has accomplished accomplish to body a 24-hour pharmacy

Read also: Over 1,500 Allied Bloom professionals at Korle-Bu hospital abuse to abjure OPD casework on August 2